Page 80 of Kansas

“That’s sounds a lot like a question that his attorney should be present for.”

“Well, you’re here now,” Porter seethed. “Tell the fucker to answer the damn question.”

Several men whistled. Some moaned, shaking their heads. My father groaned as he looked up at the sky. Montana smiled, and I cringed. My mom was many things. She could handle any situation, but one thing we all knew was that my mother absolutely fucking hated being told what to do. And she really hated crass fuckers who hid behind their badges, thinking they were better than everyone else.

“Kansas?” I heard Kali’s voice and looked up.

What happened next was my worst nightmare.

Stepping away to get to my woman, Porter drew his weapon and turned, pointing his gun at Kali, which set off a chain reaction. Before I could blink, all the Soulless Sinner’s had their weapons drawn. My dad grabbed my mom, while Montana and I rushed to get to Kali as the gun discharged. Someone screamed and before I could reach Kali, she turned swiftly before falling to the ground. Loud shouting filled the air as I dropped to my knees, reaching for my woman. Turning her in my arms, I held her to me as Montana looked at the damage.

“Oh God baby, come on, open your eye,” I pleaded, as she lay limp in my arms, blooding oozing out of her arm.

“Step back!” Cross shouted, arms raised as he stood in front of his partner. Glaring at the motherfucker, who looked pale as a ghost, I vowed retribution. He fucking knew he messed up big time. His career was over and I was going to make sure he couldn’t even get a job at a convenient store.

Brothers came running from the clubhouse and all around. All heard the shot. It was total pandemonium. Several bikers faced off against the two feds.

It was a clusterfuck.

“Kansas,” Montana shouted, getting my attention. “It’s a flesh wound. She’ll be okay.”

“He shot her.”

“And he will pay, brother. I promise you.”

“What the fuck!” my mother shouted. “Someone call the damn ambulance and the Lawton Police. You two motherfuckers aren’t going anywhere. I want your badges right now. George, start making calls. Everyone else, put your damn guns away and get your asses inside the clubhouse. And for the love of fuck, don’t say shit unless I am present.”

“I need to call my supervisor,” Cross stated, reaching for his phone. “I’ve taken Porter’s weapon. He’s disarmed.”

Minutes later, the sounds of police sirens and an ambulance filled the air.



“I’m fine!” I huffed, slapping Kansas hand away for the hundredth time. The man was seriously annoying me. “It was a graze, Kansas. That’s all. The doctor said I will be fine in a few days.”

Virginia chuckled, sitting next to me. “He’s just like every other Stone man. When one of us gets hurt, they can’t help themselves.”

“I hear ya,” Vivi laughed. “When I twisted my ankle last year, Pence damn near carried me everywhere. Even when the doctor told me I could walk on it again, the big oaf followed me around for days.”

“Momma!” Talia shouted, running into the living room as Kansas grabbed her before she could jump into my lap. “No running, Hellraiser. Gotta be careful with mom for a few days. She had an accident.”

“Yep,” my daughter nodded. “Momma gots shot by po-po because he was a chicken little.”

Trigger skidded to a halt before entering the room.

Narrowing my eyes, I looked at the man. “And just where did you hear that from, Talia?”

I already knew what the answer was.

Trigger kept nothing from Talia. Those two were thick as thieves. I wasn’t shocked that he told her. I knew he explained it in a way a soon to be four-year-old would understand. It was the fact that she knew at all that bothered me. Even more so that she referred to the police as po-po. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my nerves.

Trigger’s eyes widened as he quickly cleared his throat.

My daughter looked down at her hands and mumbled, “From someone.”

Vivi snickered as Virginia grinned.