Page 40 of Kansas

Someone carved the word ‘murderer’ into his chest.

Sliding the file towards Pence, I asked, “Any leads?”


“Hate being a dick, Justin, but none of us did this. Don’t know why you brought this to me.”

Justin sighed, running his hands down his face. The man looked tired and worn out. “Chuck was with us five years ago, Kansas. His sister was one of the club girls.”

“I remember. Sally was a sweet girl. Friendly to everyone.”

“I wasn’t going to bring this to you, but an hour ago, Mrs. Wilson called. She hasn’t seen her son Homer in two days.”

“Isn’t Homer a paramedic?” Pence asked, closing the folder.

“Yeah,” Monk said, standing straight. “And his big brother was Ryder.”

Shit. This wasn’t good. Ryder was a former enforcer, an officer under our former President Big Jim.

Homer was also with us five years ago.

“I know where Ryder and Homer escaped to when they needed a break. I’ll go check it out,” Monk said, turning only to stop when Justin said, “It’s probably nothing, Monk, but take someone with you. Call me if you find him.”

Monk nodded, then left.

“What are you thinking, Justin?”

“Nothing right now, but you know I don’t believe in coincidences. Two men who were with us five years ago, one dead and another possibly missing. I got a feeling in my gut, Kansas. I don’t think we’re going to like where this is going.”

“There are over ninety thousand people who live in Lawton alone, Justin. That’s not including the county residents. Let’s not think the worst until we have more concrete evidence. In the meantime, I will have my brothers riding in pairs. I suggest you reach out to the others and have them do the same.”

“Will do,” Justin said, getting to his feet. “If Monk contacts you first, let me know, okay? I don’t want to tell Mrs. Wilson that her last remaining son isn’t coming home.”

“Neither do I. On a non-related note, I heard you bought the old Indian School house. How’s construction going?” he asked, as I walked him out of the clubhouse.

Pence and I chuckled. “Angel and Ashe are going fucking crazy. Bastards are complaining non-stop. They wanted to rip it all apart and start over, but Kali and Vivi are refusing to let them. My woman loves the history of the place and Vivi is threatening to remove their balls if they don’t preserve it.”

Justin chuckled. “Whatcha going to do with all those bedrooms? Kinda big for you and Kali?”

I grinned brightly. “What do you think? I’m going to fill them up.”

Watching Justin leave the compound, I lit a cigarette and said, “I want the brothers paired. They go nowhere alone. Then put in a call to the Golden Skulls. We need a tracker,and they have the best.”

“You sure you want to bring him in? Some of the brothers are still touchy about what happened the last time we had a Golden Skull in our territory.”

“Don’t give a fuck. They know what happened to Jinx was an accident. Shadow wasn’t in his right mind. He needed help and now he’s finally getting that. If someone is in my town, killing off my people, then I want that fucker found fast,and Ravage is the only who can find him.”

“I’ll make the call,” Pence said, before walking away.

Standing there in the hot Oklahoma sun, I looked over the land I claimed as mine, knowing damn well I would kill a motherfucker if anyone ever dared harmed me or mine. Trigger, Judd and Pence ran from the clubhouse, heading towards the living quarters across the street.

“Emergency alarms going off at your place, Prez!” Trigger shouted, rushing past. Dropping my cigarette, I ran after them. Mrs. Worthington and the kids were home while Kali was out at the house with Vivi, Angel, and Ashe.

Fear I never knew existed filled my veins as I ran for my kids. And they were mine. I claimed them. Even Hellraiser.

Rushing into the building, I ignored the elevator and took the stairs three at a time before kicking open the emergency exit on my floor as Trigger kicked in my front door.

Smoke instantly assaulted us.