Page 32 of Kansas

“Your place looks nice.”


I agreed wholeheartedly. I damn near had to do a double take when I saw it completely finished. Helping Mrs. Worthington usher the kids across the street, I didn’t know what I was expecting, but it wasn’t what I saw.

I hadn’t stepped foot in the place since I handed over the keys to Kali.

Not that I didn’t want to.

I just wanted her to have her own space.

What she did with the place was a downright miracle. It looked nothing like the blank slate it was before. The whole place was comfortable, warm, and welcoming.

It was what I had envisioned when I handed her the keys and tonight, I would be staying with them.

With my wife.

My wife and her kids.

As a family.

Chugging another swallow, I motioned to the prospect behind the bar for another. I wasn’t ready for this.

While the place was being decorated, Kali and the kids stayed here in the clubhouse but not in the same room as me. Not that I didn’t want to, I just wanted to give her time to adjust to the club life.

We weren’t like most clubs.

After the massacre, I’d taken the club in a whole new direction. Instead of running from the law, we started working alongside them.

We’d all lost so much, and I vowed never again.

I wanted the club to be about family, honor, respect, a true brotherhood that we could all be proud of. Something that we could bring our wives, ol’ ladies,and kids too, knowing they’d be safe.

I wanted the Diamondbacks to be known as a true M.C. where anyone could call upon us and know that we’d have their backs. It took a long time for the people of Lawton to see the changes and understand we weren’t the old M.C. of the past. The Diamondbacks were now solid members of society who gave back more than we received.

I was still worried that our past would someday come back to haunt us. Not just for us, but for those who went with us that day. That was always a distinct possibility. What we all did five years ago casted a shadow over the club and no amount of good could erase that.

I would give anything to wipe our slates clean. To take back the blood that haunted us. For the longest time, I believed that no matter how much good we did, it would never be enough to wash away the sins.

Then, as if God saw we needed something to fight for, he gave us Kali. The moment that woman arrived at the clubhouse, everything changed. The air smelled sweeter, tensions lifted, and the sun shined upon us.

She may not know it, but she saved us.

Saved me. I could never repay her for what she’d done.


I heard the club door open as the music slowly but surely faded and all laughter ceased. Turning to see who walked in, I spotted Vivi smiling as she talked adamantly with Blackjack. Next to them was a stunning woman with a smoking hot body that had my dick straining to get out. She had her back to me while she embraced Monk, then Widow. I’d never seen a more perfect ass in my life. Long legs, encased in a tight denim skirt that hugged her in all the right places. A tiny waist that I could wrap my hands around while I pounded into her from behind. Fuck, she had a body made for sin and sex. When she turned and faced me, I slid off my bar stool and had to grab the bar for support.

Pence laughed his ass off as she walked over to me.

“Hello, Kansas.”

Not waiting for an invitation, I pulled her towards me, grabbed her face and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

Fuck me, she tasted better than the first time I kissed her.

Her soft moan told me all I needed to know as my tongue slipped between her lips. Wrapping an arm around her, I yanked her closer, deepening the kiss. This wasn’t just any fucking kiss.