As soon as the doctor left, Vivi came bubbling over and wrapped an arm around Kali, smiling. “Well Kali. What do you want to do first?”
I said nothing as I looked down at her. When she smiled, I held my breath, waiting for her to speak.
“I’m starving. I want a fat juicy burger with everything on it. A large plate of fries and a chocolate milkshake.”
Pence and Vivi both laughed.
“Then let’s get my woman something to eat.”
Holy fuck.
I was dying.
Watching Kali eat was an experience. She didn’t mess around when the waiter brought her food. Before I could blink, she’d picked up the big burger and took a huge bite of it, moaning as the juices dribbled down her chin. The damn burger was damn near as big as her, but she didn’t let that stop her. My cock hardened painfully against my jeans as I listened to her moan in ecstasy as she tasted her first real food in weeks.
Shifting in my seat, I readjusted myself as Pence chuckled.
Narrowing my eyes at him, threatening retribution if he so much as said a damn word, as I handed Kali a napkin. She took it happily and wiped her mouth. “Oh God, that’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
Pence lost it and quickly excused himself before I could get my hands on him.
Fucker better run to Canada.
I didn’t know where she put all that food, but within minutes, the woman had finished her burger and fries and started sucking on her chocolate milkshake. If I thought watching her eat the damn burger was painful, seeing her suck on that straw was my breaking point.
“You gonna finish that?”
My eyes snapped opened to find her soft blue eyes alight with mischief as she looked from me to my plate. I’d barely taken a bite of my food. When she licked her lips, I gulped, shaking my head as I slowly pushed my plate towards her.
“She’s really hungry,” Pence leaned over and whispered, wiggling his eyebrows. Pushing my brother away, I ignored the asshole.
Fucker was having too much fun at my expense. Vivi wasn’t any better, as she kept laughing at my misery. When Kali leaned back and sighed, I finally took a breath.
Thank fuck this shitstorm was over with.
“Where to next?” Vivi asked.
“Now, I want to soak in a hot bath and wash my hair.”
I groaned.
I was in hell.
Pulling into the underground parking garage across the street from the clubhouse, I parked my truck as Pence and Vivi parked next to me. I knew the moment she could walk on her own, it wasn’t going to be easy to keep her contained. The woman had spent close to eight weeks in bed, not including her time in the hospital recovering from major surgery. Now that she had freedom, she was going to want to fly. Kali didn’t peg me as a stay-at-home mom.
Not in the least.
“Where are we?” she asked, looking around the parking garage.
“We’re across from the clubhouse. The club owns this building. About four years ago, the club bought this place and voted to turn into the club’s living quarters. After what happened, the brothers wanted a deterrent, a way to protect everyone. The building is three stories high. The top is mine. Pence and Vivi share the second floor with Monk, and the first floor houses several apartments for the rest of the brothers.”
“I thought you all lived in the clubhouse?”
“We do, but this place is our unofficial residence. All the brothers have an apartment here but rarely use them. Most of them have homes around town, but this place is here if they need it. Most of the brothers prefer to stay at the clubhouse.”
“Where the girls are at?”