Page 24 of Kansas

Kansas got to his feet and started to pace. His anger shot off him in waves. I could clearly see he wasn’t happy about this any more than I was. “When I saw you the day you arrived, I wanted to rip that motherfucker apart with my bare hands. I never thought I’d feel such a visceral emotion again after Katie. But seeing you on that gurney, it brought up so many memories I’ve kept hidden for years.”

I’m not Katie, Kansas.

“I know that. Fuck. I would give anything to have her with me, but I can’t. She’s dead. She’s not coming back. I couldn’t protect her, and she died. But I can protect you. I know I can.”

I won’t be an obligation.

“Christ, woman, is that what you fucking think? That I’m doing this out of some obligation? Fuck, you’ve been under my roof for six weeks now. I’ve slept next to you every night for half that time. Honestly, do you think I just do shit because I have to? Fuck that. I do shit because I want to.”

I don’t understand.

“I know you don’t. I don’t understand it myself most days either, but I know I want to do this. Since you’ve been here, the club has come alive again. There’s laughter and light again. I can see it in every brother. Fuck, Kali, even Hellraiser makes me laugh and I haven’t laughed in years. There isn’t a brother out there who wouldn’t lay down for those kids, me included. You’ve become entrenched in our lives, my life. If you leave, you might as well kill me now.”

What are you saying?

“I’m claiming you, Kali,” Kansas said, sitting next to me again, lightly touching my face. This was the first time he ever showed me any affection. Generally, he kept himself at a distance. I didn’t know what to make of him. “I know you don’t understand what that means, but it means you’re mine. You and the kids are mine. It means I will do everything in my power to keep you and the kids safe. I know you’re not ready, but in time, I will take you to bed and sink my cock deep into you. I will plant my seed in you and watch it take root. You belong to me, Kaliope Vanderveer, and no gutless cunt is ever going to take you from me. That’s what I mean.”

Before I could respond, Kansas leaned forward and kissed me lightly on my lips. The kiss was so gentle, so intimate, I felt it deep in my bones. It was a promise of something more and ended far too soon. Lightly touching my lips, I looked at the man I barely knew as he handed me a pen.

“Sign it.”

With a shaking hand, I took the pen from him and signed my name next to his as he reached into his cut and produced a gold band and slipped it onto my finger.

I was now legally Mrs. Kansas Stone.

In the days that followed, Kansas gave me space to digest everything. What I wanted was for him to talk to me. To explain everything. I was tired of being stuck in this damn room. I hated it. I wanted to be outside. I wanted to feel the sunshine on my face again. I wanted to laugh and hug my kids. Mainly I wanted to understand the man who married me, no questions asked.

Vivi was bustling around the room, getting me ready for my doctor’s appointment, when he finally appeared in my doorway. Saying nothing, he leaned against the doorjamb and watched Vivi lose her damn mind. I didn’t understand it myself. I was only going to the doctor’s. I didn’t need two bags of crap.

“Whoa!” Kansas laughed as Talia tried to race past him. Scooping her up, she squealed as he nuzzled her neck, giving her kisses. “Momma! Help!”

Smiling, I shook my head as Vivi kneeled before me, putting on my sneakers. I hadn’t worn shoes in weeks and though they were brand new, they felt weird on my feet, even if they fit perfectly.

“Now listen here, Hellraiser. Why are you not with Mrs. Worthington?”


“What did you do?”

“Ms. Talia,” Mrs. Worthington said sternly, from behind Kansas. “We still have work to do, young lady. You still have arithmetic to finish.”

“Wanna go with momma!” she said stubbornly, crossing her arms.

“We discussed this, Hellraiser. I’m going with your momma. You are staying here with your brothers,” Kansas reiterated firmly.

“I be good,” she pleaded sweetly, causing me to cover my smile. My daughter was a master manipulator. If she believed for one second, she could get her way, she would do anything to get it. Too bad for her that the brothers and Kansas were onto her game and quashed her whims often. They loved Talia and wanted her to be happy. They would do anything for her, but they would not allow her to run roughshod over them.

Trigger learned the hard way when he took Talia for a brief ride on his bike around the compound a few days ago. Trigger told my daughter that she could ride on his bike with him. Well, yesterday Talia wanted to go for another ride, but Trigger was busy helping in the garage and Talia threw a fit. When Trigger looked up, Talia had climbed on his bike and inadvertently released the kickstand. Thankfully, the bike didn’t fall on her, but Talia scratched and dented Trigger’s bike in several places when it fell to the ground. Trigger was so angry with Talia, he vowed never to give her another ride again until she apologized, which sent Talia into hysterics.

They still weren’t talking to each other.

It was a stalemate.

The club had a pool going to see who would last the longest.

My money was Talia.

I knew my daughter. Hell would freeze over first.