Page 21 of Kansas

“What do you mean, sweetheart?” my dad asked, softly rubbing her back.

“He laughed when daddy hurt momma.”

“He was there?” My mom asked.

Talia nodded.

Before the man could move, Widow and the two police officers had him on the ground and in cuffs. “You fucking little bitch!”

Widow punched the fucker out before he could say anymore.

“Arrest that woman too,” Conroy shouted, as his officers along with Widow escorted the visitors from the clubhouse. My mom looked directly at me as a shiver of dread crept down my spine. Whatever my mom was about to tell me, I knew I wasn’t going to like it. “Son, the terms of the marker have changed. I need to talk to you about Kaliope.”

Nodding, I motioned her towards my office, but my mother stood her ground. “No, Kansas. No more secrets. You are going to need everyone’s help here to pull this off. Things are worse than we thought.”

“What happened?”

“An assailant shot Mr. Crisp, Kali’s attorney, leaving his office three days ago,” my father began. “Crisp is now in the hospital on life support. He was the only one with knowledge of Kali and her trust. With Mr. Crisp incapacitated, her ex-husband has petitioned the courts for legal custody of his children and for executive power of attorney over Kaliope until she recovers.”

“What about her grandfather?”

My mother lowered her head. “Albert passed away in a single car accident two nights ago.”

“Fuck,” I roared.

“Kansas, she has no one. We can’t find her brother Kole. He’s the only one she has left. But no one has seen him in years. I’ve hired investigators, but so far nothing. The man just disappeared. Your brother is using every connection he can to locate Kole. Until he does, I need you to do something you are going to hate.”


“You need to activate the failsafe in Kali’s trust. Today.”

Shaking my head, I backed away from the woman who gave birth to me, wondering if she’d lost her damn mind. She knew that was impossible. There was no fucking way I could do that. Not after what happened the last time.

Fuck that shit.

Hell no!

That failsafe was only if shit hit the fan. It was the last stand, so to speak. This shit was just a minor hiccup. Easily fixed.

What the fuck wasn’t she telling me?

My father approached cautiously. “Kansas, listen to me. It’s the only way. With you as her husband, the family, the club, and the corporation will be behind you. We can protect her better, give her and you the resources needed to protect her. As it is right now, it’s only the Diamondbacks between her and her ex-husband. But with us, your family, that’s a mountain he can never climb.”

“What is he talking about, Prez?” Widow asked, as I looked around the room at the men who were my brothers. Men who I respected and bled with.

“It was only supposed to be a babysitting job.” I shook my head. I knew when that fucker called me and asked for a favor, blood would follow. It always did.

“Prez?” Trigger asked, walking into the room with Kali’s sons. Mrs. Worthington was holding the baby in her arms.

“Tell them, Kansas,” my mother implored.

“It’s time, Prez,” Pence agreed. “You knew the moment you made that call. This was never going to stay a secret. It’s time to lay your sins bare. Tell them, brother.”

Looking about the room, I took a deep breath and handed Talia to Monk. Taking off my cut, I handed it to Pence. Then pulling my t-shirt over my head, I turned around, showing the room my back. Whistles, gasps and curses followed before I put my shirt back on. Taking my cut back from Pence, I said. “I am a branded blood brother of the Soulless Sinners M.C.”

“Holy fuck,” Blackjack cursed. “That club is no joke, Prez. I heard rumors about that brand. That shit is for life. How?”

I looked at my father, who lightly shook his head.