Page 104 of Kansas

I know I did and that was when the face on the floor beside me slowly morphed into Hope’s brother, Shadow.

Gulping, I muttered, trying hard to hold back the tears. “My brother is really dead, isn’t he?”

“Yeah, he is, sweetheart.”

“It was Shadow who saved me.”

“Yes, he did.”

Taking a deep breath, I tamped down the raw emotions I was feeling. Now was not the time. Instead, I asked. “How did I get here?”

“When we learned from Trigger that Conroy took you, Kansas called Sypher and he found you right away. Well, he found Shadow’s bike. Trigger told us that Shadow saw you leave with Conroy. That he was going to follow.”

“Where is he? Was he hurt?”

“He’s in the room across the hall. He’s recovering from a gunshot to the abdomen and leg. It was smart of him to park his bike on the side of the road. We would have never found the place,” Montana said before leaning forward, saying, “Kali, John got away. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but he’s still out there.”

“What about Conroy?”

“Oh, a few of the boys found him not far from the barn. Looks like Shadow got him in the hip. Fucker was trying to belly crawl away on his hands. He’s currently in a hospital in Duncan. Kansas flat out refused to let the son of a bitch to be admitted here. Said if the fucker even rolled past the emergency room, all he would need is a coroner.”


“Yeah, baby?”

Closing my eyes, I whispered, “Thank you.” Before drifting back off into nothing.



“Baby, you need to get back in bed.”

“No,” my stubborn woman scowled stubbornly. It had only been three days since Conroy kidnapped Kali and her ex attacked her. It was a shock to learn that Conroy was working with John Stevens. The man had been a good friend, a brother since the massacre. Even went with us to Mexico. None of it made sense. No one could explain why Conroy went off the rails and started killing.

The Lawton Police Department was in utter chaos. The department started an internal investigation into Conroy and those who traveled with us to Mexico were worried they would uncover what we all did. Though everyone was refusing to say a damn word, we were all forced to sit back and wait for the outcome. The big thing everyone wanted to know was how a good cop could go bad?

Had to admit, I didn’t give a fuck.

Bastard took my woman and endangered her life. Put her in the path of the fucker who caused her nightmares and already tried to kill her once before. Conroy did nothing as he watched the motherfucker sodomize her. He was lucky he was in protective custody because I wouldn’t think twice before putting a bullet in his head.

“Baby, get back in bed. Please,” I begged. She needed to stay in bed and rest. I wasn’t even going to mention the line of stitches that ran from the side of her neck and down her back.

When we arrived at the barn, I thought she was dead.

Laying there on the floor, next to Shadow, my worst nightmare became a reality. Seeing her and Shadow laying in all that blood, neither moving. Part of me wanted to end it all right then and there with a bullet and I would have, but I heard my brother shout that they were alive.

It took over a hundred and twenty stitches to sew my woman back together this time. Had to admit, I was getting really fucking tired of seeing her like this.

I stupidly thought she would be safe. That the motherfucker couldn’t get to her. I was wrong. So very fucking wrong.

To make matters worse, the bastard got away.

He was once again in the wind.

With a fresh scent, Montana sent Malice after the bastard. I knew it wouldn’t be long before Malice found him. That scary motherfucker never lost a subject he was after. In the meantime, all I had to do was keep Kali safe. Which should have been easy, except the stubborn woman refused to listen to me.

“Baby, you need to rest.”