Justin stopped pacing and faced me. The smile on his face sent a shiver of dread down my spine. “You can’t help anyone. No one can. He paid me to take you. He said he would help me leave the country. I’m sorry, Kali, but I have no other choice.”
“What? Who paid you?”
“I did,” said the one voice I never wanted to hear again.
Turning, I sat frozen in place as my ex-husband, John Stevens, walked out of the shadows, grinning from ear to ear.
“Hello, wife.”
The second Kali told me her brother’s name, her brother’s face burst forward in my head and shouted at me,“She needs you. Save her. Tell Jinx I love her.”
I knew she looked familiar.
It was her eyes. She had the same eyes as her brother.
I couldn’t be here. I needed to leave. If she found out that I was the one who killed her brother, Kansas would kill me. Hell, he was going to kill me, regardless. Nothing was going to stop him now.
I killed his wife’s brother.
Backing out of the booth, I slowly walked towards the exit. Reaching for my phone, I called the only one who would understand. When the phone connected, all I heard was heavy panting, then a growl.
“I need help.”
“Why? You left.”
“I made a mistake. I shouldn’t have come here. He had a sister. I didn’t know. I can’t tell her. Kansas is going to kill me.”
“Slow down,” Sandman sighed, then I heard him whisper, “I’ll be right back baby.”
Fuck. He was with Sunny. Even I knew not to interrupt his time with his woman. The big fucker was gone on Sunny. He adored everything about her, down to her dainty little toes.
A few moments later, I heard him say, “Explain.”
“My nightmares. I see them. All of them. Every night. But I see Jinx the most. He’s been yelling at me for months. I couldn’t take it anymore and I left. I thought being on the road would quiet the voices. Only now, I met his sister. She’s the wife of Kansas, man. The entire club knows I killed him. They want me dead.”
“You’re not making sense. Slow down.”
Taking a deep breath, I began, “It started a while ago. The nightmares. I see the faces of the men and women I killed. Before, it was easy to quiet them, but as time went by, it became harder. That’s when I started drinking. Only that didn’t help much. When I accidentally killed Jinx, the Diamondback brother, nothing shut up the voices. Not therapy, meds, nothing. I couldn’t take it anymore. The night I left, I had a terrible nightmare and I didn’t know Ghost was trying to wake me up. I woke up swinging, not realizing I had a knife in my hand. I cut my brother, Sandman. I made him bleed. It was then I knew I couldn’t stay. I didn’t want to hurt anyone else. I traveled around for a while until I showed up at my sisters’.”
“Didn’t know you had sisters.”
“Four of them. Anyway, my sisters run a holistic farm and sell shit like lotions and candles at markets around the area. That’s where they met Kali. My sister, Hope, needed help to deliver some goods in Lawton. I didn’t think anything of it until I pulled up at the Diamondback compound. That’s where I met Kali. She looked familiar to me. I knew her but didn’t. Kansas told me to stay the fuck away from her and I have. Until today. I am with Hope at the Lawton Farmer’s Market and Kali showed up. She started talking and that’s when I learned she’s the little sister of Jinx.”
“The Diamondback brother you killed.”
“Okay, so what’s the problem?”
“I don’t know!” I growled loudly, looking around the parking lot. “I freaked out, okay? Because the second I realized who her brother was, his voice shouted in my head, she needs you. Save her. Tell Jinx I love her.”
“Don’t see a problem here, Shadow. Do what the voice says. Tell her.”