Page 78 of Kansas

Payne growled, “I don’t even want to know how you got that. Didn’t Montana warn you about sneaking into our shit?”

“Sure did,” the kid said happily. “Your Prez said that if I broke into the club’s servers again, he would come to see me at school. Only he hasn’t yet. Guess he hasn’t realized that the security system Pippen installed was my design. Keep that on the down low for me, okay? I’ve got a party to go to this weekend.”

I tried to hide my smile but couldn’t.

God, I loved Sypher.

The kid was fearless.

“Just get me the information and make sure Kansas gets a copy, too.”

“Will do. Gotta run. Late for class.”

With that, the line disconnected.

“That kid is going to get his ass beat,” Payne muttered.

Laughing, I replied, “Good luck with that. Several clubs, including the Golden Skulls, love Sypher. The kid is a genius and damn good at what he does. Reaper farmed him out to solidify alliances. Even though the kid is at college, he still works with several clubs when needed. You fuck with him and the Soulless Sinners will have damn near every club in North America gunning for you. My club included.”

“He’s still a pain in the ass.”

“He’s a kid, Payne. Barely nineteen now. He’s learning.”

“He better learn faster.”

Two days later, I was in the garage, elbows deep in an engine, when I saw the unmarked car pull in and park in front of the clubhouse.

Fucking FEDs.

Dropping my wrench on my workbench, I grabbed my red grease rag and stood my ground. I had nothing to hide and if these fuckers thought I would do their bidding they had another thing coming. Lighting a smoke, I leaned against the side of the garage and watched as two men stepped out of the car and looked around.

It was the same fuckers from Mr. Taylor’s house.

Agents Cross and Porter and like before, that fucknut Porter was chewing on his sunglasses.

Fucking pussy bitch.

Seeing me, Porter nodded to Cross as they both strolled over to me.

“Nice place you’ve got here, Mr. Stone,” Porter said. “Mind if I look around?”

“As long as you have a warrant, you can do whatever you want.” I replied, blowing smoke in his direction as Porter narrowed his beady eyes at me. There was no love lost between the asshole and me.

I fucking hated him and he knew it. “What brings you by?”

“Needed to ask you a question,” Agent Cross said, stepping forward.

“Sure,” I smirked. “Just as soon as my lawyer arrives.”

“Mr. Stone,” Cross began. “We know you didn’t kill the Taylors. We just want to know if you can explain why someone wrote your name on the wall?”

Taking a long drag, I said “Like I said. Not saying shit until my attorney is present. You know how it goes, boys. All you see is a biker. You’ve already concluded that I’m dirty. Anything I say you will use against me.”

“Only if you’re hiding something,” Porter sneered.

Looking at the asshole, I stated clearly, “You best back the fuck up, asshole. Don’t enjoy being crowded.”

“Scared of the Federal Government, Mr. Stone?” the asshole took a step closer. Fucker was begging for an ass whipping.