“Okay, Tig!”
“Kansas, I want you to meet Hope. She and her sister made the candle.”
Kansas smiled warmly, extending his head. Hope looked at it for a few seconds before shyly taking it. “It’s nice to meet you, Hope. Gotta say that the candle you made was something else. Will definitely hit you up for future purchases.”
Hope blushed.
“Oh, my gawd, Kali. Who is that?” Charity interrupted, pointing at a young man talking with Judd.
“That’s Judd’s younger brother Nevil,” Kansas said before whistling loudly, getting the brother’s attention.
Over the next hour, the brothers milled around, while others helped Cassidy with finishing up the food. It was a beautiful sunny day and as the first family club barbecue I hosted. I would say it was a colossal success.
“Kali!” Vivi shouted from the kitchen. “Chief Longfeather is here!”
Clapping with excitement, I rushed through the house and out the front door, skidding to a stop.
“Oh wow,” I gasped, as Chief Longfeather and several of the men from the reservation got out of their vehicles. Each dressed to the hilt in their Native American traditional garb. I’d never seen anything like it. It was amazing, almost as if I stepped back in time.
They were beautiful.
Walking down the front porch to greet them, Chief Longfeather smiled at me. “Hello, Kaliope.”
I couldn’t help it. I hugged the man. “Hi, Chief.”
The older man laughed, hugging me back.
“Another squaw for your harem, Chief?” a young man said, walking over.
“You shut up Falcon and come meet Mrs. Stone.”
“Kali,” I greeted. “It’s nice to meet you.”
“Kali, this is Falcon, my nephew. He gives you any trouble, you come see me. I’ll scalp him for you.”
“Well,” Kansas smirked, walking over to us. “If it isn’t Short feather.”
“Arkan-ass,” the chief growled.
I laughed as they shook hands.
“Thanks for doing this for Kali, Chief. I really appreciate it.”
“For Kaliope, anything.” The older man smiled down at me.
“I’m ready,” Vivi smiled, walking over.
Turning to her, I gasped.
My beautiful friends looked nothing like the biker chick from earlier. Instead, standing before me was a stunningly beautiful Indian woman dressed in her traditional ceremonial dress. On her feet, she wore a comfortable pair of calf-skin moccasins, detailed with beads and ribbons. Her dress, adorned with traditional tribal weaves, beads, and feathers, was a soft tan calf leather. Around her neck she wore a bone choker, with jade and gems. Her hair ironed flat and braided into two long braids that fell down her chest, damn near to her waist, had colored leather straps woven into her hair, but on her head was the most intriguing headband I’d ever seen. White with red, blue, green, and yellow beads, the headband looked old but intricately put together, almost as if someone had handed it down over the generations.
“Oh wow,” I muttered, damn near speechless. “Vivi, you look beautiful.”
“Yes, she does,” Pence proudly agreed, standing next to his wife.
“You look just like your grandmother, Whitepaw.” The chief added, kissing her cheek.
“Thank you,” Vivi blushed.