Page 102 of Kansas

I would survive this.

A calm I hadn’t thought possible washed over me.

I could do this.

Closing my eyes, I leaned over the table.

He chuckled. “Fucking knew you would submit, bitch.”

“What are you doing?” Conroy asked.

I stood bent over the table, frozen, as John dipped the knife into the hem of my jeans before cutting them open, baring me to him.

“I’m gonna get reacquainted with my wife.”

“We don’t have time for this. If he shows up, he will kill us both!”

“Make time,” John growled.

I heard the clinking of his belt buckle being opened.

His intent was clear.

“I’m sorry, Kansas,” I barely whispered, as I closed my eyes.

I felt John’s erection on my ass as he leaned over me.

I felt his hand reach around to grab my breast. He squeezed so hard I knew he didn’t care if he hurt me. He whispered, placing the knife at my throat, “You scream, you fucking move an inch, and I will slit your fucking throat.”

After painfully pulling on my nipples and squeezing hard on my tits until I was crying in pain, he reached down between my legs as his middle finger went hard and straight into my pussy.

Petrified, I stayed immobile, firmly believing what he said.

I had to survive.

That was all that mattered.

I let him jam his fingers in me and he did it, intending to hurt me.

He licked my ear and fucked me with his hand and all the while, his knife made small cuts across my neck.

I gritted my teeth as he kicked my legs open further.

His fingers pulled out of my cunt as he shoved them into my mouth, stretching the skin around my lips. I felt them tear.

Still, I didn’t move.

Not even when his fingers left my mouth. I thought he was going to put them back in my pussy, but instead, with his index and middle finger, he drove hard and straight into my asshole.

Squinting with my eyes closed tight, I bit my tongue, trying to stop myself from screaming out in pain. It hurt so bad I swallowed my scream as the point of the knife stopped me from kicking out.

Feeling him run his cock between my ass, down to my pussy, I gritted my teeth, preparing myself for what was about to happen as I whispered, “I will survive this.”

Then the unimaginable happened.

I heard a gunshot ring out as my brother’s voice yelled, “JINX!”

It couldn’t be.