I nod wryly to myself, letting my shoulders slump a bit. Usually, I’m an alpha male with all the confidence of a cowboy in a spaghetti western. But now, Darcy’s got me wrapped around her little finger, and she doesn’t even know it.

Well, you can’t hide out here forever, I decide.I can brood about all that stuff later. For now, I smile devilishly, let’s go see what your favorite girl’s up to.

After all, I already want her again, and I’m surprised at my raging desire. I’ve slept with my fair share of women, but usually moved from one to the next once I’d had my fill.I certainly never thought about any of them like I do Darcy.

I stalk back toward the farmhouse from where I’d been getting shit done. I’m sweaty, dirty, and hungry as hell, which sates my nerves a little. I climb the front steps to the porch but pause before I open the door, watching Darcy through the living room window.

She’s curled up on the couch, reading. She’s wearing a short yellow sundress, the top of which cups her perfect breasts like a glove. Her legs are tucked under her and she’s completely enthralled with her book, her face scrunched up and full of expression. I observe her for a moment, unable to draw my eyes away from her beautiful body and her vivid facial reactions to whatever she’s reading.

Darcy must sense me staring because after a minute, she looks up and beams at me. I take it as my cue to enter the house.

“Hi,” she murmurs shyly, staying seated.

“Hi yourself. What are you reading?” I stand in the entryway to the living room and wipe my dirty hands on my pants, looking for something to busy them with.

Darcy holds up the novel. “Jane Eyre.”

I’m surprised. I thought most farm girls read western romances, and not classics.Another layer of mystery to this woman.

“Really? How far along in it are you?” I’m genuinely curious.

Darcy smiles.

“Just a few chapters. But already I can kind of relate to the main character. She’s a lonely girl who goes to work as a governess for a really rich man. They’re falling love with each other, but they’re not allowed to talk about it really, and she’s never had much. So she’s trying to make the most out of her strange little life.”

I’m touched to my core by her summary. Darcy is sweet and strong, but it’s her heart that makes mine skip a beat.She’s gone through so much at such a young age, to be able to relate to that story.

“I don’t have much time to read,” my pretty hostess continues, fiddling with the edges of the page. “Until this morning that is.” Darcy beams at me. “Thanks for taking care of so many chores, Ranger. I’m afraid I’ve just been lazy as a result.”

I sit down carefully on a wooden bench, trying not to dirty up the house. “Nah, reading’s never lazy. You have to exercise the mind too.”

Darcy nods fervently. “Well and it’s notjustfor fun.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. I… it’s kind of embarrassing to admit but I never finished high school. I dropped out when I was sixteen.” Darcy shrugs. “Pa was never too big on school, so he sent me on a European vacation for a little while to learn some life lessons. But then, things got crazy, and I came home. And then when he got sick, that was pretty much the end of school for me.”

Without thinking, I get up from the bench and cross to where Darcy is seated on the couch. I kiss her, fervently, passionately, pushing all of my complicated emotions to the side and just enjoying this beautiful woman for a moment.

Darcy returns the kiss with her own passion. I pull her up from the couch and press her clean body against my dirty work shirt. I want to hold her close, to feel her heart beat against mine. We get swept up in the kiss, our breathing becoming rapid.

I push Darcy onto the couch, no longer caring about soiling up the furniture. I can only think of one thing – being inside of Darcy’s tight womanhood and hearing her call out my name in her excitement.

Deftly, I pull off my pants and then slide Darcy’s panties off her legs. Our bottom halves naked, I nudge against her soft opening. She’s already wet and panting, her eyes wide as she looks up at me.

“Is this okay, baby?” I ask, pausing for a moment.

She nods, gripping my biceps as she spreads her legs even wider.

“Oh yes,” she whispers. “Please.”

That’s it. I slide myself inside of her with a long, throaty groan. She’s tight but she takes all of me like a pro, even though she was a virgin up until last night.

“Ranger,” Darcy moans. I know she must be sore but it just makes me want to drive into her harder, knowing that I’m the only man she’s ever been with, the only one she’s ever known.I want to keep it that way, I decide with intensity.

“Mine,” I growl as I plunge into her silky depths.

“Yes, yes, Ranger!” Darcy shakes around me, her tight womanhood releasing itself against my firm cock. Feeling her wetness, I lose control. It’s odd because I’ve been with so many women that sometimes, I don’t even come. Sex has becoming boring for me if it’s not with the right partner. But with Darcy, I’m transported back to my teenage years and within minutes, I ejaculate hard and deep inside of her.