Darcy goes back to sawing at her already cut up steak. “Besides, if the bank knew, they’d probably foreclose on the property,” she tells me in a low voice. “I could declare bankruptcy but then Big Ag would probably try to buy the place out from underneath me, and that would be even worse.”

I cock my head at her.

“Why worse?”

She pauses thoughtfully, putting down her tableware, as if gearing up to tell me something big. I brace myself for whatever she might say, and put down my own utensils to listen. “I don’t know all the details,” she confesses, “but I know that Pa kept having to fight off those Big Ag guys for years. This farm is tiny compared to theirs, but they want it because the land is fertile and in the middle of all theirs.”


Darcy continues, the faintest hint of rage coloring her voice and making her usually soft brown eyes gleam. “He almost did, once. Sell it, that is.”

“What happened?”

“Pa went out one morning and the truck had all four tires slashed, and the windows were busted. It took almost an entire month’s income to fix the damage, but we had to, since we use the truck all the time. Pa told me he thought he’d knew who’d done it, but he never shared the details.”

“It was a threat?”

“Yes, and not the first one. I’m guessing it was the boys from the McLaughlin farm trying to intimidate us into selling. They own everything you can see, but their plan backfired because it only set Pa against them.” Darcy fiddles with her peas. “He was always ornery when challenged.”

I can see the heartbreak in Darcy’s eyes, but behind that emotion I see her determination.

“Besides, I told him this farm had been Fields’ land for generations.” She sits up straighter. “So he didn’t sell,” Darcy tells me defiantly. “No one can scare my Pa with a couple of slashed tires.”

I nod my head knowingly.

“Yeah, I’ve heard rumors. There’s a lot of pressure from those big farms, putting the fist down on the little guys. I’ve seen it firsthand, you know, traveling like I do for work. When a unique little farm is swept away to join some corporate show. It’s messy.”

I speak carefully, but the fact is that I’m telling the truth. And the sooner Darcy understands how rapidly things can change, the better.

“Big Ag doesn’t always destroy the land,” I continue, “and honestly, sometimes it’s for the better because land needs constant tending. But the damn truth of the matter is that those big corporations don’t care about the little guys, just the land. And it’s not always fair.” I settle into my seat, trying to appear relaxed. “But you know, as a ranch hand, I’ve seen it all. How Big Ag guys just sweep in and offer big ole globs of money. It’s difficult to resist that sometimes.”

“Yeah, well I have. And so did Pa.” The sharpness in Darcy’s voice surprises me.She’s feisty. I like it. It’s also going to be a real pain in my ass.

“A lot of folks aren’t so steadfast. It’s hard to stay independent when it feels like the walls are closing in from all sides.”

“That’s a good way to put it,” Darcy concedes in a grudging tone. “Sometimes I feel like I’m in quicksand, and no matter what I do, there’s no way to pull myself out.”

“It makes for a shitty situation,” I agree. “The truth is I admire anyone who’s willing to stand up for themselves. You’ve got backbone, honey. I respect that.” She blushes, and I realize just how much I love watching that streak of pink steal across her soft cheeks.

“I best start cleaning up and pull the pie out from the warmer.” Darcy rises to clear the table.

I watch her, somewhat taken aback by the rawness of my feelings toward Darcy. On the one hand, she’s young, naïve, and innocent.But on the other, I think as I take in her full form from my seat at the table,she’s a woman and women need to be tended to, too.

Darcy notices me staring at her and asks in a soft voice, “You do want some pie, right?”

“Yeah, sweetheart, I want some pie. Thanks.”

The truth is that I want a lot more actually …and that includes both the woman and her land.



Ifinish clearing the plates from supper. As I cut into the homemade berry pie, its pinks and purples oozing in perfection, I watch Ranger out of the corner of my eye.He’s hot, I admit to myself.No, more than hot. He’s gorgeous and way out of my league.

And what league would that be, Little Miss?I nearly tsk out loud.You’re so far out of the game it that you don’t evenhavesomeone to compare him to.You’ve been alone too long, and now, you can’t get your head screwed-on straight.

“What are you thinking about, Darcy?” Ranger’s deep voice has a naturally intimate tinge to it, and my stomach fills with butterflies whenever he says my name.