I nodded. Yeah, I was beginning to realize how important the fated mate bond was.

No matter how mad or disappointed my parents had been with me in the past, I’d never considered throwing myself to my death.


But the true devastation that had come from Charity walking away from me had been overwhelming.

Mom walked over to me, reached out, and gripped both my hands. “Your magic got out of control?”

I glanced over at Charity, who was watching me carefully. Like she wasn’t sure what to make of me anymore.

I nodded. “Yes. It felt like...” I wasn’t sure how to explain it, but I owed it to everyone to try. “Like my dragon and my magic were fighting a battle deep down inside of me, and I couldn’t get either one of them to calm down.”

Mom smiled gently. “It actually sounds like your magic won the battle, for once. You generally shift to squash your magic down and push it away, don’t you?”

I gulped, my throat tightening. I didn’t like the idea that my magic had defeated my dragon, but I hadn’t shifted. So, what was the answer?

Mom turned to Charity, let go of one of my hands, then gestured for my mate to come closer. “May I see what happened from your perspective, Charity?”

See? Oh... crap.

Charity crept forward, her arms crossed over her chest. “Yes, you may. What do I need to do?”

“Just hold my hand,” Mom said. “And I’ll look into your memories, if you allow it.”

Charity’s gaze slid to mine and I gave her a stiff nod. “It’s safe, but if you feel uncomfortable...”

“I’m not uncomfortable with your mother’s magic,” Charity declared, lifting her chin and daring me to comment. “Please do whatever you need to.”

Mom grabbed both of our hands, and although I tried to pull away, she didn’t let me go.

I closed my eyes and tried to lift a magical shield against the visions my mother was about to share with me. I wasn’t sure I was ready to see myself in that state.

But my magic was untrained and weak when compared to my mother’s.

Into my head flashed feelings of fear and anger, but also a deep sense of needing to help. Love, even. Maybe.

There was Charity rushing through the smoke and fire. Talking me down off the ledge. Seeing my magic. Wanting me to make the right choice.

Then she was saving Carlak. Dragging him along the stones.

My magic shimmered on my brother’s chest. Smoke filled the air.

Mom let go of my hand and staggered forward, grasping the couch for strength as she coughed and cried out, then sobbed. “My babies.”

Dad wrapped her in his arms, holding her tight and whispering sweet words of reassurance and love.

I glanced at my mate who was watching my parents together with a look on her face that spoke of shock and wonder.

Their love was epic, the stuff fables were written about. I’d grown up around it and considered that sort of devotion normal. But from that look on Charity’s face, she’d never seen such a love before. It was the love of a fated mate pair. The best kind of love.

When Mom could stand once more, she opened her arms to Charity, who went in for a hug.

“Thank you,” Mom whispered, stroking Charity’s hair as she held my mate to her shoulder. “You saved them. Saved them both.”

When Charity pulled back, she had tears in her eyes. “It was my fault. I should never have—”

“No,” Mom interrupted. “If this is anyone’s fault, it is mine. I shouldn’t have allowed Anthony to hide his magic from the world. I knew how strong he was, and how upset he was with the whole magic side of himself, and I did nothing about it. I should have...”