I grinned at her. “Oh, no. This is perfect. Thank you.”

“But what about tomorrow, ma’am?” Elsa asked, blinking at me.

“Tomorrow?” Was I staying tomorrow as well?

“Yes, as Prince Anthony’s mate, surely you would like a whole new wardrobe?”

The girl stared at me expectantly.

“Mate?” I repeated, my heart sinking in sudden foreboding. “What does that mean?”

Elsa cocked her head and frowned at me, then she gasped. “Oh, I shouldn’t have said anything. You’re a human and you must have different names for things. I... misspoke. Please forgive me.”

She bobbed again and ran from the room.

I stared after her, feeling slightly numb and a little stupefied at the same time.

“Mate?” I repeated it out loud. “She doesn’t mean like, a friend, or...” I shook my head.

I knew next to nothing about this world, and I needed to ask Anthony what she meant.

Memories of Anthony’s beautiful blue-purple eyes within the dreams I’d had before I met him came back to haunt me.

I needed to find out more about that too. So many questions, so much uncertainty.

“Work!” I couldn’t believe I’d forgotten! I had to find a phone.

There was a knock at the door and I walked forward and pulled it open.

There was my dream man, right in front of me.

Oh, the things I’ve dreamed those lips have done to me...

“Lunch time?” I managed, though my voice caught in my throat.

He inclined his head in a short nod, watching me carefully, but he didn’t say anything as I walked out of my room. “Can you take me straight to your phone?”

“Sure.” He’d stiffened up again, as he did every time I talked about home.

I made a mental note to ask him about that later, but right now I needed to focus on the phone call.

He led me along a warren of hallways to a large and light-filled office. I was surprised to find a modern computer, desk and multiple cell phones plugged into the power board.

“Wow, you guys might live in a castle and wear medieval clothing, but you’re really set up in a tech sense.”

His grin was brief and disappeared almost as soon as it appeared. He gestured to the bank of cell phones. “Please, use whatever you need.”

His arm was vibrating strangely, so I let go of him, picked up one of the phones and called the restaurant.

Tania answered.

“Tania, it’s Charity. How’s everything going there?”

“Charity! Oh my God, you’re all right! Thank goodness. Where are you? What happened?”

I pulled out the desk chair and sat down, noting the fact that Anthony was hanging around and appeared to be listening intently.

“I’m... away,” I hedged. “I was attacked after work the other night, and someone found me and saved me.”