Chapter 7


She didn’t believe me, and I didn’t blame her. In the human world dragons didn’t exist. In fact, they were considered mythological creatures written into ancient fables.

In fact, those stories were most likely written by humans who’d seen one of my ancestors.

“You’re kidding... right?” Charity’s gorgeous dark eyes flashed with a depth of emotion I hadn’t expected. “Tell me the truth.”

“I just did.” I shrugged. “I saw that man hurt you and I wanted to...” I shook my head. She didn’t need to hear about my murderous instincts in relation to protecting her. “I may have thrown him into that brick wall a little too hard, but I didn’t hang around to see if he survived. I wanted to get you somewhere safe.”

“Safe.” Charity repeated the word and paused as if considering it. Then she lifted an eyebrow at me. “Well, I’m sure he got what was coming to him.”

I agreed, but didn’t say anything more. I could tell she was trying to process everything, not an easy feat with a head injury, let alone when what was being said probably sounded fantastical.

If you’d never known shifters or magic, it was a pretty big leap of faith.

“So, where am I?” she asked, looking around. “In your castle, or something?”

I smirked a little at her incredulous tone. Every eligible woman in my town would have been ecstatic to be in a room alone with me, with a bed in clear sight. But apparently, not my mate. She clearly wasn’t impressed by my birthright.

“Well, yes. Though technically, I suppose this is my parents’ castle. They still reign, and I’m not the crown prince. My older brother Carlak will be king one day. Not me.”

“I don’t believe you.” She sat up straighter and glared at me with all the fire of a woman who’d been lied to and was getting rather annoyed about that fact.

I gestured to the window. “It’s the middle of the night, so you won’t be able to see the whole town right now, but feel free to look out.”

Charity threw back her bed covers and twisted slowly until her feet touched the floor. Her gasp was audible as she looked down at herself and said, “What am I wearing?”

I tried not to laugh as I walked over to the window and drew the curtains back for her. “One of my sister-in-law’s gowns, I believe. Don’t worry, that was my mother’s doing. Not mine.”

Charity walked to the window and stared out. We were twenty stories above the town and, in the darkness, it was hard to see any detail, even with my enhanced dragon sight.

She huffed out a breath. “I can’t see a thing.”

Determined not to be thought of as a liar, I marched over to the main door. “Come see the castle then. Or you can wait for morning. Either way, you’ll find out I’m telling the truth soon enough.”

She narrowed her eyes at me and lifted her head. I was pretty sure she would have stormed up to me, all indignation and fire if she’d been able to. I could imagine her poking a firm finger against my breastbone and telling me off, and I had to hold back a laugh at the imagined scene.

She had some fire, this one, which only made her even more desirable in my eyes.