“You want to embrace your father’s side of your bloodline but not mine?”

The hurt in her voice stabbed through me. “That’s not what I meant. Not at all. It’s just... no one else has both. It’s not right. I’m a freak, Mom.”

“You’re not a freak!” Mom corrected in her harshest tone. “You’re a miracle. I would have loved to be able to shift. To soar on the air...”

“Well, you can have it,” I said. “Obviously it’s possible, even though you didn’t think so before.”

My mother put her hand to her forehead, pressing her fingers into her flesh as though she needed to stop the headache. “No... Anthony, you don’t understand. It’s your inability to accept your magic that causes... the...oh...”

She froze, her eyes flashing with purple as her magic took over her body.

Her trembling made me flinch and I couldn’t stop myself from gripping her arms. I didn’t like sharing my mother’s visions, but her magic called to mine, as did my need to help her.

“Mom! I...”

The vision hit me with the weight of a tree trunk.

My mate was walking along the road... someone was stalking her.

She was hit from behind and she fell.

He was on her.

My mate was screaming. Horrible, bloodcurdling screams of pain. He was hurting her. Making her...

I pulled away, managing to disengage from my mother’s magic, my soul recoiling with rage as my dragon rose up within my heart.

“Where is she?” I growled, my shifter barely contained.

“She’s...” Mom wrapped her arms around her body, shuddering. My worry rose, almost swamping me with its intensity. “She’s at work. I can show you...”

She held out her hand and this time I grabbed it without a second thought. Flashes came at me.

Main Street.

Number 245.

A big red brick building. A restaurant.

Then a gray two story smaller building.

Blood. So much blood...

I let go of my mom, scales already covering some of my skin. My teeth had shifted in my mouth and I couldn’t talk.

Mom rushed to the balcony door and pulled it open, standing back to give me room. “Go. Go. Before its too late to save her.”

Too late?

I rushed for the door, barely squeezing through as my dragon body took over my smaller human one.

I leaped over the railing, dropping like a stone before completing my shift mid-flight.

I spread my wings and flew across the ground, flapping my wings to get up and over the small houses of our township.

The higher I flew the more my gaze narrowed in on the Veil. The air space I’d only flown through once, a long time ago. The gateway to the human world.

I hit the portal and tingles coursed all over my skin. Then I was through, into the human world, and immediately warmer.