Chapter 3


Flying to the North Kingdom could be dangerous for a dragon from a warmer climate. Damon and his family were ice dragons and were acclimated to the freezing weather.

It was only the beginning of our true winter months, so the weather wasn’t as bitterly cold as it would get in a few weeks. Still, I flew low to the ground, staying out of the snowy clouds, and went the most direct route to the castle.

As soon as I landed, I shifted to human and stalked toward the balcony doors, the falling snow landing on my heated skin.

I opened the door myself, no servants hanging about waiting for visitors. They probably didn’t receive many uninvited or unannounced guests. And I hadn’t told the family I was coming.

As soon as I was inside, a maid saw me and fluttered her hands in shock. “Oh, sire! I’m sorry there was no one to greet you. Was the king expecting you?”

I shook the snow out of my hair and pulled the door closed. The castle wasn’t as warm as my father’s castle, but it was clean and well furnished, and definitely warmer than the cold air outside.

“No. This was an unplanned trip.”

She set aside her broom and nodded. “Let me fetch you a robe and I’ll send for someone.”

She meant someone from the royal family, so I smiled my thanks as she rushed off to find me some clothes.

“Anthony?” I turned to find Cassandra, the queen, walking toward me with a curious stare. “What are you doing here?”

Cass was still beautiful, her long blonde hair streaked with silver.

“Hi Aunt Cass,” I said, greeting her with a kiss to her cheek. “I had a fight with Mom and started flying. I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”

I wasn’t entirely sure why I’d flown here, hadn’t even considered going another way. Another sign my magic and intuition were growing? I pushed that thought out of my head. I simply wanted some company, and Anselm and his siblings would help me take my mind off things.

“Of course not,” Cass said, though her characteristic smile wavered. “It’s just... we’re having a few issues with Veronica.”

I grinned and would have laughed except for the fact that Cass clearly wasn’t amused.

“What?” I said, when she quirked an annoyed eyebrow at me. “You all call her the dragon daughter. She’s always been strong willed. How old is she now? Eighteen?”

She was the youngest of our generation. Anselm was the eldest at thirty.

Cass nodded and brushed her hair back off her face. “Yes. And she thinks she knows everything.”

Veronica was young, and fearless. In fact, if she wasn’t like a sister to me, I would have considered marrying her myself.

“Veronica has a good heart, Aunt Cass. Even as a child she was a fierce protector of everyone weaker than her.”

Cass actually smiled this time. “She protects everyone, not just those weaker than her.”

I gently touched her on the arm. “She’ll be okay.”

Cass huffed and shook herself. “How can I help you, Anthony?”

The servant rushed over with a robe and I slipped into it. As shifters our nakedness was second nature, but it was still deemed polite to don clothing in our human form.

“I don’t know, Aunt Cass.” And I didn’t. I was here. But why?

She smiled softly. “How about some dinner?”