“It’s still your kingdom, you know,” she said after a while. “Carlak might be king one day, but you’re the sorcerer now, yeah?”

I shrugged. “I suppose. My mom’s been teaching me how to use my magic, but I’m decades behind her in experience.”

The lessons had been going well, though I may have blown up a few things along the way.

“Yeah... but your mom’s not going anywhere, so you have time to learn.”

“True,” I said, already having seen a vision of the day of my parents’ passing. Thankfully it was many, many years from now and I tried not to dwell on it too much.

Veronica didn’t say anything more, but she didn’t leave my side. A twinge of something uncomfortable began to niggle at me.

“What do you need, dragon daughter?” I asked, not turning to look at her.

She didn’t hit me, which meant she was about to get serious.

“You know when you came over for lunch that time?”

I searched my memory, unsure of which event she was talking about. But then it hit me. “Oh, you mean when I accidentally gave you a vision of your future?”

I’d forgotten about that, sort of. I’d been so consumed with my own secrets and lies, I’d pushed that very juicy piece of information away. Iain and Veronica were twin flames of fury. They’d burn the world down with their love, if they could get past their long-held grudge against one another.

And now that she mentioned it... “So, what are you going to do about that?” I turned to face her and raised a querying brow.

“Nothing.” She tipped back her head and finished the rest of her drink in one gulp.

“What do you mean, nothing?” I asked, chuckling softly. “You know who your fated mate is and you’re going to ignore him?”

That just wasn’t done. She was legal age. He was five years older, maybe a little more. They were a perfect match, except for the fact that they were cousins. But surely fate wouldn’t have gotten it wrong?

Veronica lifted her chin. “I’ve taken a job in the human world. I’m leaving next week.”

My jaw dropped. “Are you kidding me?”

“Nope. I’m going to look after some kids for a family I met online. Maybe travel Europe for a while.”

I couldn’t believe it. “And your parents are just... letting you go?”

Her eyes sparked with a challenge. “Let them try and stop me.”

I would have laughed if I didn’t know her better. She was serious. And short of locking her up in a tower, her parents didn’t have a hope of stopping her. Perhaps this was what they’d been fighting about that day I’d ‘visited.’

I shook my head at her. “You’re running away from your future... which is very interesting, Veronica. I thought you were the fearless one among us? But I won’t be the one to try and talk you out of it. Hell... I’ve been running away from who I was my whole life. Until now. I won’t throw stones.”

“I’m not running away from who I am.”

This time I burst out laughing. “Oh, baby girl, you are. You’re a dragon princess. You’re the fated mate of a prince. You don’t have to work a day in your life, and instead of enjoying your position and doing good in your kingdom, and accepting your fated mate, you’re going to travel and work for humans. Makes perfect sense.”

I continued to laugh until my beautiful mate walked up, pink in the cheeks from dancing too long. “What are you two talking about? Coz whatever it is, count me in. I need something funny to take my mind off this nausea.”

“Dad twirl you around too many times?” I asked with a grin.

She burped a little, then covered her mouth and said, “Excuse me.”

I put my arm around Charity’s shoulders and tugged her close. “You’re beautiful. Even when you burp.”

And she was. Today had been perfect in every way.

Charity rolled her eyes. “I feel disgusting... but I’m glad you think I look pretty.”