“But I... I need to tell you something else.” I swallowed hard. “The reason...”Shit. “The reason I came to find you that day was because my mother showed me a vision of you being attacked by that guy near your restaurant. I had to save you.”

Charity grinned at me. “Why would I be upset about that? I’m freakinggladyour mom showed you that, or I’d likely still be in hospital somewhere, or worse.”

“Worse,” I whispered, shuddering at the memory of what I’d seen in that vision.

She winced a little. “Well then. Even better that you did come and save me.” She waited for my response, but I just sighed.

She frowned. “There’s something else, isn’t there?”

I nodded. “Yes. Mom showed me a vision of you pregnant, wrapped in flames. She told me that if I didn’t learn to control my magic then something terrible was going to happen to you. And I’ve been trying even harder to tamp down my magic since then.”

A swift intake of breath was Charity’s only reaction for several seconds. Eventually, she whispered, “So, does that mean it’s still coming? You know... when I’m pregnant? Or are we done now?”

“I don’t know.” I shook my head, worry for my mate filling my chest and making it hard to breathe properly.

“Can you find out?” she asked. “Can we go ask your mom, or can you do it?”

My brows rose. Could I? I’d looked into the future for Veronica and I hadn’t even meant to. Could I do it now for Charity?

“We could try,” I ventured. “And if not, we can always ask Mom in the morning.”

She’d help if we needed her to, I was sure of it.

I stood up and held both hands out in front of me.

Charity got to her feet a little slower. She was obviously hesitant. “Does it hurt?”

I shook my head. “It’s like when Mom viewed your memory of the fire. Doesn’t hurt at all. Just give me your hands and I’ll see if I can do this.”

She slipped her hands into mine, palm against palm. I reached for my magic and called upon it for help, in a way I’d never done before. The power lurched up inside me, as if it had been waiting for this moment. It was eager and happy, and the vision hit us both so fast that Charity dragged her hands out of mine, stopping the images.

“What the hell was that?”

“That’s the vision. It’ll be like a movie, sort of. Flashes of the future.”

She was glaring at me, not sure. “That wasn’t like when your mom did it before.”

Probably because Mom was taking images out of Charity’s head, rather than projecting them into her mind.

Or maybe I just wasn’t good at it? “It didn’t hurt, did it? We can wait for my mother tomorrow if you’d prefer?”

Charity shook her head and took a steadying breath. “No. It didn’t hurt. It was just... unexpected. Let’s do it now.”

I held out my hands once more and this time it was even easier to draw upon the magic inside me.

The vision flashed into both of our minds, and this time I held tight to Charity’s hands, stroking my thumbs over her skin in reassurance.

There she was, standing in our bedroom, cupping her swollen belly. Pregnant and stunningly beautiful. A wave of love for her washed over me.

But what of the fire? Our future?

Charity turned to look toward the bedroom door and I walked into the room, a huge smile on my face.

In my arms were two children. A little boy of about four years old was riding high on my shoulders, and another, about two, sat in my arms wriggling like a little fish and giggling.

Our family. Safe and well. The happiness in the room was a palpable, very real thing, and all of a sudden, I couldn’t breathe.

I let go of Charity’s hands, needing the vision to end.