There didn’t seem to be any shampoo or conditioner, but there was a flower-scented soap and I used that to scrub my whole body, then applied it to my hair. It was heaven to remove the blood and emerge clean and fresh.

I turned the shower off and found a neat pile of towels near the door. I could already feel my energy fading a little, so I dressed again in the lovely sky blue gown, but I couldn’t manage all the intricate lacing. Eventually I gave up, and walked back to the door that led to the hallway.

When I opened it, Anthony was there, waiting for me as he’d promised.

His smirk told me I looked like a drowned duck.

“What?” I said. “It’s not like I have this sort of dress in my wardrobe. Where are my clothes?”

His grimace told me all I needed to know.

“Fine.” I grunted. “Do you know how to fix this?” I gestured to all the strings and ties and he nodded.

With expert efficiency, he laced me up, then stepped back.

His fingers had been brisk and yet he’d lit a path of fire with every touch. Did he feel that strange connection, too?

“Do I wanna know how you know your way around women’s clothing?” I raised an eyebrow and he had the grace to lightly blush.

“You can ask.” His smirk lifted one side of his lips, “But do you really want to know the answer?”

I grinned at him. “Touché.”

“Let’s go.” He offered me his elbow like a gentleman from a historical movie.

I took his arm, because how could I not? Then I remembered our strange conversation last night about where we were.

“Weren’t you going to show me the view?” I taunted. I was sure we were just inside some beautiful mansion outside the city center, and I would see familiar landscape when I checked outside.

They had bluestone historical homes near where I lived. Not many... but they were around. This was likely one of those.

“Sure,” he said with a big smile, leading me to an arched window that looked out over a view that took my breath away.

“Oh... my...” We were high up. Like, really high up. This was definitely not a bluestone stately home.

I stepped closer, pressing my nose to the window so I could stare down at the village below. It didn’t look familiar at all, nor did the mountainous skyline beyond the village. “Where are we?”

“We’re in the Black Mountains,” Anthony said. “My family rule this kingdom.”

Kingdom? I twisted around to gape at him. “Where’s... here? What country?”

He pressed his lips together and his nostrils flared.

I put my hands on my hips. “Well?”

“You’re in a realm not far from the town you live in. We passed through a hidden portal last night. We call it a Veil, that sits between your world. And ours.”

“We’re... in a...” I gulped then swallowed hard. Was he saying that he’d taken me to some sort of... time travel world, or something? Another realm! “What’s with all the medieval clothes and stuff?” I said, gesturing to the dress I wore and trying to grasp onto something concrete.

“The clothes are designed mostly for the weather. It gets cold here,” he explained. “We like a simple life, but we have modern conveniences also.”

I nodded, registering the fact that I’d used a very modern bathroom only minutes before.

“Okay, but...”

Anthony put out his elbow again. “Can I answer more questions at breakfast? My parents will be waiting.”

His parents? “You mean the king and queen of this place?”