Page 17 of The Mistake

“I want their clubs and all their underground businessesdestroyed, tonight.”

I’d been prepared to allow this to play out, but Hank and Benjamin had struck a fire. Now it was time for them to get burned.



I kept expecting the other foot to drop, or whatever the statement was.

Nibbling my lip, I glanced around the library and frowned. One month of married life and everything was … lovely. No, better than lovely. It was peaceful and fun, and I loved it.

I didn’t see my husband, ever. Since he dropped me off at home and showed me to my own room, I’d not seen him again. He told me I wasn’t allowed to leave the grounds, but I could do everything else. This was insane.

The first day, I stayed in my room andhis soldiers actually delivered my food. None of them tried to force me out of my room. They brought me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. They didn’t stop me late at night while I went to the kitchen to get snacks.

The second day was the same, as was the third. By the fourth day, I wanted toexplore.

What was a bit of a surprise was I had a guard with meat all times. It took me two more days to realize it was the same guy every day. When I asked his name, he told me it was Hubert, but didn’t give me any other details. He stayed by my side and helped me to explore, never stopping me as I went from room to room in the house.

My husband owned a mansion. I was pretty sure I could get lost in it. After the first week, I realized I was going around in circles and not really exploring, so I started to leave little sticky notes on each door as a way of me knowing which room I had explored.

His home had three floors with at least six to eight rooms on each floor. I don’t know why he felt the need to have such a large home, but when I asked Hubert, hemerely said Ive’s home choices were his.

Either way, it was a large home, and I couldn’t help but wonder if Ive wanted a large family. I’d never thought of having a family. Ive and I hadn’t had sex, so making a family would be very difficult. Even when I was younger, I didn’t think of a different family or father, or anything. I accepted what I had. Strange.

After exploring the upstairs, including the attic, which I’m not going to lie, scared the crap out of me, I took to downstairs. I found Ive’s office, and I didn’t explore that, as it terrified me. I swore my loyalty to his boss and my husband, checking out his office. This made me think of all kinds of spy and bad shit, so his office was off limits, and on that sticky tab, I wrote as such.Hubby’s office: off limits.

I found the library with so many books, which was awesome, as I happened to love to read. When I was allowed to go to the library back home, I’d find myself wandering the shelves. Not just for fiction books, but I loved to learn. It had always been difficult for me to learn with everything that went on at home. I always tried though.

My teachers told me if I applied myself, I’d get the grades. It was easy for them to say so, they didn’t have to go home with their father tearing up their schoolwork, or destroying their books. It was easier to try and do everything at school, which meant my work was often rushed. If I stayed too long at school, it would end in a beating. Not easy to deal with.

After finding the library, my next exploration took me to a game room.

Hubert had stood at the door as I staredat the games. There was a pool table and what appeared to be an air hockey table. There were also some machines. They were all turned off, but Hubert told me if I wanted to play, he knew how to turn the power on in the room.

I was embarrassed. I had never played before. Not one single game. The pool table looked like a lot of fun, as did the air hockey table. I’d wanted to play. It was stupid and childish.

Before I turned back toward him, I made sure to compose myself, and then left the room. Late at night, I’d come down to the room and sit in one of the available chairs and look. Was it strange I wanted to play but was afraid to?

I don’t think Hubert knew I came to the game room. I would have to ask him one day how to turn on the power, so I could at least try while no one was around.

After thegame room, I found the cinema world, and I’d spent several hours in the past three weeks watching movies. I discovered a love of popcorn and ice cream. I loved strawberry cheesecake ice cream, that was my favorite. Then I found a love of cooking. The chef in residence, Michael, spoke with a lovely accent, I think it was French, but I hadn’t asked him if he would like to teach me to cook.

He wasn’t in the kitchen all the time, and on those days I would cook, and I’d started to feed the staff at Ive’s home. I don’t know if the staff truly meant it when they said my food was delicious or if they were just being nice.

I’d asked Hubert and he smiled. I thought my food was niceand Michael said I had a gift. Again, I don’t know what any of that means, but it was nice to hear. I had come to realize that I loved to bake. Cakes, cookies, tartlets, pies were a lot of fun. Tricky, but fun.

So, the first month of wedded life was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it. Without my husband.

It was nice to live without fear of each bang. Of course, whenever there was a bang or a noise I wasn’t quite prepared for, it would startle me. Hubert was so sweet, though, he’d tell me what it was or who it was. In a gun-carrying, guard-duty kind of way, I liked him.

As for Ive, he didn’t call. If he did, Ididn’t know about it.

Heading into the second month of marriage, it was one of Michael’s days off and I was back in the kitchen. This time I was making biscuits as I just wanted one with some whipped cream and slices of strawberry, when Hubert came back with none other than Ivan. There had been a knock at the door, and Hubert went to answer. With my hands covered in butter, flour, and sugar, I didn’t know if I was meant to bow, or what.

“Mr. Volkov.”

“Ivan, please,” he said, holding up his hand. “You may leave.”