“I’ll have my assistant arrange it. She’ll send you the details.”

“I’m taking it that I’m not invited,” I say.

Bradford’s mouth quirks as Grayson says emphatically, “No.”

“You’re no fun,” I grumble, but I’m actually not certain I want to attend that lunch. Grayson would likely annoy me. And since I know Bradford is more than capable of handling anything my brother throws his way, it’s best to just let men be men and get this behind them.

“Mom told me you’re not taking her calls,” Grayson says to me.

“I wasn’t but I’m going to see her today.”

“Good. She’s beside herself over everything that’s happened.”

That anger I woke with rises inside me. “I guarantee you she’ll be even more beside herself after I speak with her.”


Bradford told me last night that his father asked for me to keep the information he shared about Mom to myself. He then told me he had no intention of telling me what I should do with that information. He made it clear he’ll support me in any choice I make. I think he knows I won’t broadcast anything to the world in general. I think he also knows I’m no longer the girl who shoves dirty secrets away from the light.

“Did they tell you the reason Dad’s disowned me?”

“No. Just that bullshit about some history between our families, but neither of them would elaborate.”

“Right.” I cross my arms, almost like I’m putting up a shield even though I’m not the one who needs to defend anything here. “So, the family history is that Dad knew Bradford’s father in college. They were friends but super competitive with each other. Mom was close to Edmund but Dad pursued her and the rest is history. Except it’s not, because Mom slept with Edmund just after I was born. And now I’m paying the price for that.”

Grayson is suitably stunned. “Fuck me.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “I’m done with being the good girl who does what she’s told, Grayson. Dad can take whatever he wants from me but I refuse to hand over any more pieces of myself. If he’s waiting for me to divorce Bradford and beg to be a part of the family again, he’ll be waiting a long time. And I’d really like my mother to support me in my choice.”

My eyes meet Bradford’s and I see the respect shining brightly in them. I always thought I just wanted a man to love me. It turns out I want his respect as much as I want his love.

“Dad’s working from home this morning,” Grayson says. “Do you want me to go with you in case he refuses to let you in?”

I drop my arms, feeling stronger than I ever have. Or maybe that’s just the anger taking charge. “Trust me, there’s no way he’ll keep me out. Not today.”

Grayson leaves shortly after I finish telling him I don’t need him with me today. Bradford and I eat breakfast together, and once he’s assured I’m okay to see my parents by myself, he leaves for work.

I touch up my lipstick, put on my winter coat, and make what may be my last visit to the home I grew up in.



“Kristen.” Mom smooths her dress when she greets me in her great room. Her body is as rigid as her speech and she appears frazzled, anxious about seeing me.

I didn’t have to force my way inside even though I was more than ready to do so. Clearly, my father didn’t pass the memo on to his staff that I’m no longer welcome here. He’s yet to show his face, but I’ll be demanding that soon.

“Mom.” I feel uncharacteristically confident. I think that’s because I’ve had my come-to-Jesus moment and have no expectations for how this conversation will end. I’ve got nothing left to lose with my family and I never knew how freeing it could be not to be governed by fear. “Can you please get Dad? We all need to have a conversation.”

She swallows hard. “He won’t speak with you, darling, but I want to have that conversation.”

I love my mother. Deeply. However, I’m too angry with her to tread carefully here. “The one in which we discuss the real reason why Dad has disowned me.”

Alarm spikes across her face. “Your father hasn’t disowned you, Kristen.”

My brows arch. “Really? What would you call it then? Discarded? Rejected? Abandoned? I mean, take your pick. They all apply.”

“No,” she rushes to explain, “he simply wants you to know how strong his feelings are over your marriage. You have to admit that you rushed into it and—”