When she tries to end the kiss, I refuse to let her go. By the time I finally end it, she’s breathless in the exact way I want her to be.

She slides her hands down from my neck to my chest. “Promise me you’ll kiss me like that every day.”

I grip the back of her neck and pull her lips back to mine. This kiss is quicker but no less intense. “I would kiss you like that every minute of every day if I could.”

“We wasted so many years.”

“I agree.”

“Although”—she brings her hand to my face, touching me gently like she’s sorting my features into a list in her mind—“my therapist would tell us that we needed all those years.”

“You say that like you don’t believe her.”

She rolls her eyes. “I don’t trust anything that woman says.”

I chuckle. “And yet you keep going back.”

“Let’s just say that she and I have a love/hate relationship. As in, I hate every minute I have to sit on her couch vomiting my feelings all the place.”

“And the love? Where does that come in?”

“The love is all on her end. It’s a toxic relationship if you ask me. She loves breaking me down.”

I lightly rub my thumb over her neck. “You might feel broken, but all I see is the strongest woman I’ve ever known. I hope you continue working with her.”

She takes a moment with that, like she’s just heard something she needed to hear. She appears a little overwhelmed by it. Then, like she’s filed it away for later, she moves on. “Oh, don’t worry about me ending our relationship. She’s a pushy bitch and would hound me to show up for another appointment. Currently, we’re working on me finding fun. If she’s not careful, she’s going to have to begin hounding me soon.” Her eyes widen. “I mean, who has time for fun in their life?”

I could spend hours with Kristen discussing this. She’s telling me she’s struggling, and I can see that, but mostly what I see is her finding herself. It’s so fucking beautiful to watch. “What kind of fun are you chasing?”

More of that eye widening. “If I knew that, I think I really could break up with her.”

“What initiated her telling you to go in search of fun?”

She glances down at my chest. One of her tells I’ve picked up on over the years is that she breaks eye contact when she’s feeling especially vulnerable. It’s been in these moments that I’ve had to decide how hard to push her to crack herself open for me. I’ve learned that Kristen sometimes needs a far gentler approach than comes naturally to me. After not having her in my life for a year and a half, and after what’s happened between us tonight, I’m unable not to push her now. I need everything from her.

I lift her face back up to mine. “Talk to me. I want to know all of you.”

Her eyes search mine for the longest moment. “I told her I feel like I missed out on fun while dedicating all my efforts in life to pleasing my father. Which is silly, I know, because I’ve had amazing experiences that many will never have. But, still, I didn’t do all the dumb, fun things that my friends were doing in school and college. I was too serious, too focused on the future to live in the now. I want to live in the now more.”

I want to give her all of that.

“We’ll start tonight.”

She frowns. “What?”

“We’re going in search of fun.”

“Bradford. It’s midnight. It’s time for sleep.”

“Contrary to popular belief, the party can start at midnight. Your coach won’t turn into a pumpkin and I’m more than happy to carry your glass slippers when your feet get sore.” I brush my lips across hers one last time. “Let’s go have some fun.”



OMG girlfriends,do we have some juicy tea for you tonight?! Gather round. @bradfordblack our favorite sexy future Presidential candidate (we hope!) just got married and NOT to his fiancée #gasp We can confirm he married @kristenblaise tonight in Vegas. No official statement from either party has been released but look at the happy couple in that photo #swoon. We all knew Bradford and @thececeliaaniston lacked something, and now that we’ve seen this photo of him with his new wife, we can see what that was - #passion. Stay tuned for more soon because you just know there’s going to be so.much.more from this couple.