Kristen’s eyes light up when Don brings another dish in for her to try. I requested a private dining room and a selection of dishes. This one features Shrimp Toasts, a favorite of mine.

He places it on the table and eyes me. “I’ll bring the hummus next.”

“Oh my gosh” Kristen puts her hand over her stomach. “I don’t think I can eat anything else. I’m almost bursting.”

The shrimp is the fourth dish we’ve sampled. Kristen tried to talk me out of ordering more than one dish.It’s almost midnight, she’d said,Far too late for a second dinner. I’d pointed out that she hardly ate at dinner, choosing instead to drink wine and threaten me with war. She’d only continued arguing with me for another minute after that, quickly realizing I had every intention of ensuring she eats. If I had my way, we’d try every meal on the menu so I can begin learning her favorites.

Don gives me a questioning look at Kristen’s insistence that she’s full.

“We’ll skip the hummus tonight,” I say. “We’ll have it next time.”

With a nod, he leaves us.

Kristen tastes the shrimp and briefly closes her eyes while enjoying the food. “I can see why you love it here. Don is an amazing chef.” She glances around the private room, taking in the luxurious Art Deco style. Gold, black, and deep purple fill the room, along with mirrors, large vases of white calla lilies, and a chandelier that drew her attention when we first stepped inside. “And the restaurant is gorgeous.”

We’ve spent the time here talking about easy things. My golf game earlier today, Kristen’s spa experience with the girls, a conversation she had with Jack about a movie he’s working on, her love of his movies, and the mid-life crisis she’s going through. That topic intrigued me the most and I quizzed her on it. She waved her hand in the air, telling me her therapist says her confusion is good but that she’s not so sure. When I asked her what confusion, she gave me wide eyes and told me that she’d just contemplated becoming a nun yesterday and that she hated the idea of going to one more gala.Can you believe any of that?she’d questioned me like there was no way anyone would believe those things. She went on to tell me she also decided yesterday that she was done with Tinder.A great fucking decision, I’d told her. She’d smiled at me in the way that is my downfall before saying she hoped all these odd thoughts passed soon because she’s tired of being in crisis mode.

While we eat the shrimp, she moves away from easy topics. “How are we going to do this, Bradford?”

It’s an understatement to say I like her asking me this. Our attraction to each other has never been a secret between us, but I’ve always wondered if mine was greater. Kristen seemed content to leave me in the friend zone for years. And while I waited for her after the night in the club, I still wondered if she would ever want me. She’s not hiding how much she wants me now and that is something I needed.

“I’ll meet with my team tomorrow and hash out a plan.”

“Yes, but what are you thinking that plan will entail? Your wedding is supposed to take place next month.”

“I don’t want you to worry about this, Kristen. I’ll handle it.”

She shakes her head. “No. That’s not how I do relationships anymore. We’re equals or we’re nothing. I want to be involved, even if all that means is you talk to me about things and share your next step and your current concerns.” Her voice softens. “I want to know your heart and all the ways it’s breathing.”

Every second I waited for this woman was worth it.Every second.

“Cecelia isn’t going to take this lightly. She had her own ambitions she was using this marriage for. She’ll likely go out of her way to make our life hell. I’ll have Hayden do his best to stop that, but I may not be able to protect you from it all.”

She gives me a look of pure confidence. “You forget where I grew up and the girls I grew up with. Trust me when I tell you I’ve dealt with some bitches and have come out on top. I’m not afraid of the ice queen.”

Her jealousy feels good and that’s not something I ever expected of myself. Possessiveness isn’t something I’ve easily tolerated in women, but every time Kristen refers to Cecelia as the ice queen or shares her hatred of the marriage I’d locked myself into, I feel it deeply in my gut.

I’m not convinced she understands just how ruthless Cecelia is, but since I plan for Hayden to take care of her, I don’t worry Kristen needlessly by reiterating my concern. “I’ll talk with Cecelia tomorrow. Hayden and I will draft an NDA for her to sign. I’ll also meet with Alan so we can figure out how to handle the PR of this.”

“I don’t think we should make our relationship public straight away.”

That was not in my plan. I want everyone to know Kristen’s mine. “I don’t see the need to hide it.”

“Bradford. Think about this like a politician. It won’t look good for you to end an engagement and immediately be seen with another woman.”

I know she’s right. Fuck, do I know that. And yet, I don’t want to think like a politician when it comes to her. “Okay, we’ll wait a few weeks.”

She gives me an amused look. “Yeah, no. More like a few months.”

My response is immediate because my entire body feels it. There’s no fucking way I’m waiting months to live my life with Kristen by my side. “We’ll wait a few weeks only, Kristen.”


“I told you I wouldn’t allow you to keep me waiting for anything ever again and I meant it. That starts now.”

Her eyes flare at my tone. And before I know what’s happening, she’s moved from her chair and is sitting on my lap with her arms around my neck, her breasts pressed to my chest, and her beautiful face so close to mine it hurts. “Let the record show that Ireallylike this grumpy, bossy side of you.” She kisses me, not giving me her mouth for anywhere long enough. “I’m sure I’ll argue with you over it, but still, I like it.” Her voice turns soft and so fucking sweet when she adds, “It makes me feel cherished.”

My arms are around her and I claim her mouth, demanding more than the kiss she just gave me. I’m consumed by this woman. Her thoughts, her heart, her soul. I want to make her feel cherished every day for the rest of my life.