“Yes, we had plans we can change.” I will make sure he knows this is non-negotiable. But then, Johnathon never lets my father down, so I don’t think he will tonight.

“Good. I also want to discuss the condo your mother and I will buy for you and Johnathon to live in after you’re married. Have a think about where you’d like to live. We’ll go over that tonight. And Kristen, that job we discussed for you at the magazine looks like it might open up sooner than I thought. We’ll talk some more about that too.”

I stare at my phone for a long time after we end the call. I then place it down and take some steadying breaths.

My father has overwhelmed me. Congratulating me on my success is one thing. A big, massive thing. But involving me in a decision like he’s just indicated he will, is also a big thing.

I wasn’t aware he planned to buy us a condo, and as far as I know, he hasn’t spoken to Johnathon about it either. That surprises me because it isn’t the way he usually goes about his business. I would have expected he’d talk with Johnathon before mentioning it to me. Not that I like that, but it’s just how he’s always done things.

And the job at his magazine—the job he instigated—is everything I’ve wanted for so long.

I feel like I may burst with happiness.

When my phone sounds with a text, I assume it’s Jenna and quickly swipe it up to reply.

Bradford: Are you home at the moment?

I blink.

Bradford has never texted me. Not once in the seven years I’ve known him.

Me: Yes. Why?

Bradford: I’m coming over.

Me: Why?

Bradford: I’ll be there in about twenty minutes. I’ll tell you then.

By the time he arrives, I’m in a state of utter confusion over what’s happening right now. Over what’s happeningtoday.

First, my father’s phone call. Then, Bradford’s texts and visit. I can’t keep up.

“Hi,” I greet him as he steps off the elevator into my condo. “This is a nice surprise.” I’m lying. I don’t find any surprise nice. I like to know plans in advance.

The regret his eyes held last night is still there now. Only, it’s stronger, like hereallyregrets something.

I frown. “What’s going on, Bradford?”

“Let’s sit.”

The unsettled feeling I had last night roars to life.

Bradford never texts.

He’s never visited me in my home.

None of this is normal for us.

My hands go to my stomach. Not to calm butterflies, though. To calm the sense of foreboding swirling through me.

“I don’t want to sit. I want you to tell me whatever it is that had you running here.”

He remains silent for what is likely less than thirty seconds but feels like thirty hours. When he finally starts speaking, his voice is rough like every word is a hardship for him. “It’s about Johnathon. He’s cheating on you, Kristen.”

Me entire body stills. I actually stop taking breaths. No woman wants to hear her partner is cheating on her, but hearing it from the man who still owns a key to her heart is brutal. Heartbreakingly, devastatingly fucking brutal.

I try to swallow the agony but it’s too bitter. Too sharp. Too intense.