I don’t miss the criticism in her tone and suddenly feel defensive of the man I’ve just moved in with. “He doesn’t work all the time.”

“It feels like he does.”

I’m about to continue defending him when a text distracts her. After checking it, she groans. “I have to go. Declan and I were supposed to be meeting at eight tonight, but he gave me the wrong info and I have to be there in the next ten minutes. Honestly, how hard is it to get the details right?”

I think about that long after she leaves. It’s not hard to get the details right, just like it’s not hard to pay attention to them in your loved ones.

I may not be big on sharing my feelings with Jenna but I always know what’s going on with her. I make it a point to find out. Just like I do with my mother, father, and brothers.

Jenna’s currently frustrated with her boyfriend and a woman she works with.

My brothers are both doing well at the moment. Grayson wishes his new girlfriend wouldn’t leave the mess in his condo that she always does. Oliver is training for a marathon and wishes the women he sleeps with wouldn’t call him because he’s not interested in a relationship.

Mom is frantic over the remodeling she and Dad are doing.

And Dad is busy making new plans to expand his company.

Those things don’t come close to the details I’ve cataloged about them this month. I’m the one in our family who cares enough to check in on everyone regularly. And I’m the one to rally the family if one of us needs help.

I don’t expect anyone to pay this much attention to me, but after knowing what it’s like to have a man care enough to do it, I wish Johnathon tried just a little bit harder.

“A Thousand Years” begins from the beginning again and I turn the volume back up. If I make it loud enough, maybe I’ll drown out the sound of my heartache.

That sound never ceases.

It sounds likeyou should have told him how you felt.

It sounds likeis he happy?

It sounds like the question I ask myself every night as I rest my head against my pillow.Did she make him smile today?


One Year Later


Gather round,friends! We have some happy news for you today. @kristenblaise is getting married! #yaas We’re jealous AF over that rock on her finger. @johnathonswindle is the lucky man our girl has decided to give up her single days for and we couldn’t be happier for them. They’ve quickly become one of New York’s popular couples, showing up at all the events that are reserved for the New York elite #thenewfourhundred. We’re keeping a close eye on the wedding date announcement and all the dress news because if anyone will have a wedding dress worth drooling over, it will be Kristen. Our girl knows her fashion and has been on fire this past year, always wowing every crowd she’s part of #allthegoals



Ten Months Later

Johnathon: Babe, I’m not going to make it to your ball tonight. Work is kicking my ass. I’ll make it up to you tomorrow.

I stare at the text from my fiancé and fight not to scream. He knows how important tonight is to me. But letting me down is fast becoming his reliable move.

Mom glances up from her clipboard that holds our to-do list for tonight. “What’s wrong, darling?”

“Johnathon isn’t able to make it tonight.” I do my best to hide my anger and disappointment. Not a hard thing to do since that’s nowmyreliable move.

She waves the news off. “He’s busy with his work. It’s understandable.”

I don’t share her sentiment.

I don’t think it’s understandable for the significant other in my life to blow off an important moment in my life.