“Insignificant things?”

“Is this conversation going to consist of you asking me inane questions, Kristen? If so, we may as well end it now because I don’t have the patience for that today.”

My eyes widen so much I should be concerned about wrinkles forming. “Firstly, fuck you for saying that.” His shock at my use of a curse word I rarely use only fuels me. Lyle could do with some shocking. I want to shock him right into being a better man. “That wasn’t a stupid question. I was legitimately asking you if you really thought the things I’ve argued with you over today are insignificant, because if you do, we’ve got a problem. I don’t argue with you as much as I should, so trust me when I tell you that the things I do choose to fight over are very significant to me.”

“Go on.” He takes a cold tone with me, the one I receive when I’ve angered him.

“I did not misunderstand you when you said you didn’t want me with you tomorrow. Don’t you dare gaslight me on that.”

“You say that like it’s a thing I do often.”

“You’ve done it enough times for it to be a thing, and I need you to know I’m done with it. If we’re going to move in together and take this relationship to the next level, you need to know I won’t be the kind of woman who just stands behind you and lets you treat me as less than you.”

“Christ, I don’t do that. I’ve never done that.”

“You have, Lyle.”

His nostrils flare. “I fucking haven’t.” His cold tone has disappeared. He’s now drawing attention with his angry, raised voice.

I’m about to argue that again when Bradford joins us, eyeing me with concern. “Is everything okay here?”

Lyle turns a dark and furious glare on him. “Everything is fine here.”

Bradford doesn’t remove his gaze from me. “Kristen?”

Before I can reply, Lyle snaps, “I’ve already told you we’re okay. You can fuck off now.”

Bradford finally looks at Lyle, treating him to a look that’s just as dark and angry as his. “I wasn’t asking you.” He moves closer to me. “Do you need me, Kristen?”

“No,” I start, but Lyle cuts me off.

Stepping between Bradford and me, he pushes his shoulders back and faces Bradford. “The last person she needs is you, and if I have to look at you for another fucking second, you’ll regret not leaving.”

“You’ve got a problem on your hands, then, Lyle,” Bradford says. “I’m not going anywhere. Not until I know that Kristen is okay.”

I move around Lyle so I’m standing next to him. Shooting him a glare, I say, “I’m quite capable of speaking for myself.” I then look at Bradford, my expression softening. “I promise you I’m okay. We’re just having a disagreement over something.”

I’m torn because I desperately want time with Bradford, but I also don’t want this situation to escalate. If the look on my boyfriend’s face is anything to go by, that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Especially since Bradford doesn’t appear ready to walk away yet.

When he spends time searching my face rather than leaving, Lyle loses his shit.

“You know what”—he looks between Bradford and me, an almost violent expression on his face as his gaze settles on mine—“you stay and talk with him. It’s obvious that’s what you want to do. When you’ve got what you need here, come and look for me. I might still be around.”

My heart is beating hard as I watch him stalk away.

I should follow him. He’s the guy I’m about to move in with. The guy I’ve started making plans for a future with.

But the man who stole my heart years ago is looking at me like I’m the only person in the world right now. He’s looking at me like my very existence is the only thing that matters to him.

“He doesn’t treat you well, Kristen.”

“You just catch him in bad moments. Everyone has those. I’m sure you do.”

He gives me a pointed look. “I have my moments, yes, but I would never treat you like he does.”

“You don’t know how well he treats me, Bradford.” It’s true. When Lyle is good, he’s amazing.

“I’m not here to debate your relationship. I’m here to make sure you’re okay, and from what I’ve seen each time I’ve watched you with him, I don’t think you are.”