I try to keep my breaths calm. “What do you think the likelihood of this ruining Bradford politically is?” When I asked Bradford about Alan on the plane, about his political experience, he told me Alan is the best at his job. I might not like the man so far, but I trust Bradford’s appraisal of him and that means I have to trust his assessment of this situation.

Alan’s eyes bore into me in a way that makes it clear he wants me to really listen to him. “The party won’t like what he’s done and this will lose their favor. It may end his bid for this Senate seat. Sure, he can come back later and try again, but I know your husband and I know he’s hungry for this now, not later. As far as the likelihood of this happening? It’s fucking high. Don’t kid yourself that it isn’t.” He says “husband” again like he wishes Bradford was anything but that. I like him even less than I like his assessment of the damage he says we’ve done.

“I agree,” Edmund says, joining the conversation. “This isn’t good, son.”

Bradford nods, the gravity of the situation settling into his features. But still, he appears firm on his decision. “It will blow over. I’ll make sure of it.”

Alan doesn’t argue with him but it’s obvious he doesn’t agree. He moves on from this into a conversation regarding the rest of their plan to win the party over.

Half an hour later, Alan leaves and I exhale a breath of relief. His energy is too aggressive for me. I feel the change in the air the minute he steps out of the room.

“Okay,” Hayden says, “Can we go over Cecelia now? And then discuss the postnup.”

Bradford shakes his head. “No, we’ll just go over Cecelia tonight. I received a text from her earlier that tells me she’s going to be a problem, so the sooner we move on that, the better.”

“I’d prefer to begin working out the postnup tonight. I don’t have a lot of spare time this week,” Hayden says.

“We’ll leave it until you’ve got more time.” Bradford looks anything but worried over this.

Hayden, on the other hand, appears disturbed by that idea. “I don’t advise that.”

“There’s no rush,” Bradford says.

“There is.” Hayden is emphatic.

Bradford seems annoyed with his brother. I can’t tell if he wants to wait so he can discuss this with me first or if he really isn’t concerned.

“We should do it now,” I say.

Hayden looks at me. “Thank fuck one of you is using your brain.” I’ve met Hayden a few times over the years at various parties and have always liked him. What I like right now is his attention to boundaries. Everything about my marriage to Bradford feels like a whirlwind my brain needs to catch up with; I like Hayden taking charge of this one thing.

Before Bradford can respond to that, his father stands. “I’m going to leave you three to this. I have some work I still need to get through tonight.” He glances between me and Bradford. “We need dinner this week. Let your mother know which night works best for you two. We’ll make it happen.”

Bradford stands and moves to his father. “I’ll let you know tomorrow.” I watch as they embrace and say goodbye. This isn’t something my father has ever done with any of his children. I’ve definitely gotten the impression tonight that his father is just as ruthless as I’ve always thought, but I can see warmth in this moment.

Edmund and Hayden share a similar embrace and then Edmund leaves, at which point Hayden gives us both a look of anticipation. The postnup.

“Okay.” I take the lead. “Let’s do this.”

Bradford eyes me with that protective look in his eye again. “Kristen—”

“Not that I ever plan on divorcing you or letting you divorce me,” I cut him off, “but if that should happen, we’ll walk away with what we came into this marriage with. I absolutely refuse to lose my home in the Hamptons.” I turn to Hayden. “Please note that. A girl needs to ensure she’s protected. I’m also keeping my Manhattan condo. He can’t have my homes if he leaves me.”

Hayden’s lips twitch. “Smart.”

I glance between them. “Right, so does that take care of it?”

Bradford is looking at me with the same amusement his brother is. I mean, the man has billions.Billions. And homes scattered around the world. There’s never any fear of him coming after my two homes. “We’ll make sure that’s noted in the agreement but we’ll divide my assets.”

“I don’t want your money, Bradford.”

“I know. And trust me, I won’t allow our marriage to come to it, but if I fuck it up, I want you provided for.”

“What if I fuck it up?”

“There’s not one thing you could do that would make me walk away.” He looks at Hayden. “Split my assets down the middle.”

I refrain from telling him what I really think of that. “You’ll just keep arguing with me if I keep arguing with you, won’t you?”