“I don’t know, but Alan says you’re making headlines and none of it is good.” I go back to his phone and google him. “Oh. God. This isn’t good.”

He comes to me and takes his phone from my hands. “Don’t read that stuff.”

I stare up at him. “Why would you let us get married?”

He gives me one of his trademark brow arches. “This is on me? I seem to recall having a partner in crime.”

I stand as my memories of last night come to me. “I know I suggested it, but that was the alcohol talking. For future reference, I don’t make good life choices when I’ve been drinking.”

More of that brow arch. “So, marrying me was a bad life choice?” I know from his tone that he doesn’t believe that. I know he’s just making a point.

I take a deep breath and smile. Moving into him, I slip my arms around his waist.My husband.“It was the best life choice I have ever made. But seriously, you’ve now got a PR nightmare to deal with and I hate that for you.”

He looks at me with so much love and tenderness I think I could die right now and feel like I achieved everything in life I wanted to. “Any nightmare I have to deal with is worth this.”

The romantic in me loves what he just said.Loves. She wants to shut the world out and enjoy our first day of being married. The rest of me knows we don’t have that luxury. Well, Bradford doesn’t have that luxury. Not if he wants a political career.

I let us have another minute of ignoring what we have to sort through and then I press his phone to his hand and say, “You need to get to work. Oh, and your assistant quit.”

He reaches for his trousers. “She didn’t quit.”

“She did. I don’t think she was happy you woke her in the middle of the night and forced her to pay off people so you could get what you wanted.” I grimace as my headache increases a little. “Also, why did you make me drink so many cocktails last night?”

He finishes dressing and comes to me with a hand to my neck and a kiss to my forehead. “Again, I seem to recall a partner in crime for all that fun we had last night. A partner who found hernew favorite cocktail…three times. And Jane didn’t quit. She’s always displeased with me. She quits at least twice a week.” He looks at me with concern. “I’ve got Advil in the bathroom if you need some.”

“I do.” I assess him and the headache he doesn’t appear to have. “How do you not have a headache? You drank a lot too.”

“I have a slight headache. I drank more water than you did last night.” A look of heat passes between us. “It seems I found something I can’t boss you into.”

Memories of him trying to force water into me when we got back to the suite flood my mind. I was more intent on sucking his dick than drinking that water.

I pat his chest. “I’m making a mental note: water before dick.”

With that, I walk into the bathroom to find Advil and take a shower while he goes through his messages.

I kind of need this time alone because while I’m loving this new space Bradford and I are in, I’m also in the space ofholy shit, I got married. Yesterday we were warring with each other. Last night at dinner I wanted to hit him over the head with a hardcover dictionary. A very large one. Today, I’m Mrs. Black. While marrying Bradford was absolutely my best life choice, he’s right that my timing is fucking woeful.

We were supposed to take weeks before showing up in public together. I mean, I wanted to fight him over that and make him wait months. But no, the part of me that really needs to be taken out into the middle of nowhere and left there, took charge and was allbitch, we’re getting this done now. She wasn’t waiting even a day.

Some people get divorced when they’re in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Not me. I go all out and get married.

I’m chasing this thought spiral when Bradford comes into the bathroom and holds out his phone for me. “It’s Jenna.” As he turns to leave me to take the call alone, I curl my fingers around his wrist, letting him know I want him to stay.

“This is the last time I ever let you wander Vegas without a phone,” Jenna says as I watch Bradford rest his ass against the vanity. I’m turned on by the purely masculine way he settles into place, crossing his arms and legs. I’m also turned on by the way he looks at my body while he does this.

“Kristen, are you there?” Jenna pulls me back to our conversation.

“Yes, and surprise, I got married.”

“You two are all over social media. Does Bradford know that?”

I look at my husband who is still enjoying time with my body. God, his attention is intoxicating. “Yes.”

“Okay, good. I imagine he’s doing massive damage control. The photos of you two that people posted to Instagram last night are not what I imagine his party would approve of.”

I smile as I watch what Bradford considers damage control. “Well, if you call looking at me and thinking about all the ways he wants to have sex with memassive damage control, then yes that’s exactly what he’s doing.”

Bradford’s gaze settles on my left hand by my side.