She points at her hair. “Please tell me you can sort this mess out.”

She’s right, it is a mess. I noticed it as soon as I saw her, but besides my work here tonight, Bradford-spotting was my main focus so I quickly forgot her hair. I take hold of her arm. “Come with me.”

She grins. “I love this new take-charge Kristen. I hope she sticks around forever.”

As I drag her to the bathroom, I mentally sort through the things I need to make happen tonight. Jenna’s correct; I have taken charge of my life. It took me a week after my father blew my internship plans apart to gather myself and make new plans. I’ve spent the time since then working with my mother doing charity work, helping her raise money through galas and other social events. It’s unpaid work, but it’s work that helps women, and that’s what’s important to me.

I spend almost ten minutes with Jenna. By the time we leave the bathroom, her hair is perfect. I also touch up her makeup. We run into our mother on the way out. HerOh, that’s much better Jennacauses my sister to roll her eyes, but I take it as another job I’ve successfully ticked off my list. It’s a never-ending list, but one that keeps me busy and focused. And if there’s anything I like being these days, it’s those two things.

“Oh, Charlie’s here.” Jenna grimaces. “Did you know he was coming?”

My breakup with Charlie was messy. And protracted. He didn’t want to let me go and fought for me. It took him four long weeks to move on. In that time, I didn’t feel right reaching out to Bradford, and then when I was ready to, he’d started seeing someone, and from what I could work out she was making him happy. He and I ran into each other just after that, and he was distracted. Not to mention, loved up. I’ve never seen him engage in PDAs like he did that night. I hated every second of it just as much as I hated that I missed my opportunity.

This is one reason why I’ve tried to stay busy. I don’t want to think about what could have been. Bradford is still with her, and they still seem just as happy. But since I saw his RSVP for this gala two weeks ago, I’ve had to fight to keep him out of my head. A futile exercise. He lives there rent free. The fact his girlfriend isn’t attending tonight only helped all those thoughts about seeing him tonight. I’m hopeful he and I will find each other up on the rooftop at some point.

“Yes, I knew he’d be here,” I say to Jenna as I zero in on my ex. “I don’t think he’ll be a problem. Not now he’s got someone new keeping him happy.”

I quickly get back to Bradford-spotting after satisfying myself that Charlie is happily occupied. Jenna leaves me to find her table just before I finally spy the man who has been featuring in my dreams.

I go weak in the knees while I watch him stride confidently into the ballroom. Bradford has a commanding presence, attracting attention everywhere he goes. He doesn’t post on his Instagram account but he has his very own hashtag thanks to the gossip accounts on there. I spend time I’d rather not admit to scrolling his hashtag. There’s no shortage of photos of him.

Tonight, he looks even more handsome than usual.

His dark hair is styled like he just ran his fingers through it and declared it done.

His three-day stubble beard is perfection.

And that tuxedo? He should live in it forever.

It’s his presence, though, that demands I give up everything but watching him. Bradford owns a room when he’s in it. I watch as every woman turns to look at him, and every man tries to catch his attention. He doesn’t stop for any of them. Bradford has his own agenda and doesn’t change it for anyone. I know that by following his business success.

A lot has been written about his family and their textile production company. The Blacks have a long history of wealth creation, and from what I’ve read, his grandfather left his sons and grandsons hundreds of millions each. Bradford’s father is skilled at investing and has ensured all those millions have been turned into billions. His father has also brought Bradford into the family business and taught him everything he knows. Bradford has managed some highly successful mergers over the last year.

He's halfway to the table his company paid for when his eyes meet mine.

His strides slow before coming to a complete stop, and he holds my gaze for a long moment. He then skims his eyes down my body, taking almost as long with it as he did with my face.

I like the attention of men, but I especially like the attention of Bradford. Every inch of my body feels this man when he looks at me.

He lifts his chin to the side, indicating he wants us to slip out, and my skin blazes to life with anticipation. So does my core. God, how he affects me.

I collect my coat and a few minutes later, we arrive at the elevators. We’re not alone, so he waits silently next to me, following me into the elevator when it arrives.

I endure ten levels of silence with Bradford standing next to me while we wait for the women in the elevator to reach their floor. His hand brushes mine, heating my skin more than he already has.

I want to scream at the unfairness of all our missed opportunities. Why must he have a girlfriend? Why must Charlie have taken so long to let me go? Why must Bradford and I have met when neither of us were single?

He's right here, next to me, and all I want to do is turn and reach for him. Kiss him. Make him promise to end his relationship and choose me.

The elevator doors open.

The women exit, leaving us alone.


I slow my erratic breaths and inhale a long, deep one.

Don’t kiss him, don’t kiss him,don’t kiss him.