His face contorts with unchecked anger. “I told her what she needed to hear. And she does need to get out, and you need to let her go. You should have just fucked her in Vegas and left it at that. We’d all be a lot fucking better off if you had.”

My self-control snaps and I’m around the desk before Alan sees me coming. I grab his shirt with both hands and jerk him to me while breathing fire all over him. “You are fucking done! I will make sure no one works with you again.” I wrench him closer. “And if I ever hear that you’ve said a bad word against Kristen again, you will fucking wish you hadn’t.”

His breaths come hard and fast between us as he tries to push me away. “Get your fucking hands off me!”

I tighten my grip, still deciding if I’m going to punch him or not.

He shoves at my chest, pushing me back, and still I don’t let him go.

My eyes bore into his, hating everything I’m looking at. I was a fucking fool to keep him around. From that very first meeting with Kristen, I should have known to get rid of him and I will regret for a long time that I didn’t.

I thrust him away from me with so much force he lands on his ass. “Get out of my sight.”

When he picks himself up off the floor and makes a move like he’s going to come at me, I arch my brows and fucking challenge him to. My fists are itching to inflict pain. In the end, he snarls something at me about pussy that I don’t care to hear and storms out of my office.

The second he’s gone, I snatch my phone up and call Kristen to make sure she’s okay. When she doesn’t answer, I leave a message for her to return my call.

Then, I call Gage who answers almost immediately.

“I’ve got that information on Phillip,” he says, “and fuck me, that guy is into some shit.”

Last night, I asked Gage if he had anything on the guy who fucked with me and Kristen by sending me that text that kept us apart for nearly two years. He didn’t but told me he’d look into it.

“Good. I need whatever you’ve got on Cecelia too.”

“I wondered how long it would take you.”

When Cecelia made it clear she intended on destroying me, I assumed she’d target me, not Kristen. And since there’s nothing in my life that she could have used against me, except our fake relationship which I knew she wouldn’t because that would hurt her too, I wasn’t too worried. I had no reason to go to my brother for help. Now, I do.

“What have you got?”

“I’ll send you a file. There’s some juicy stuff in there that was buried so deep I almost didn’t find it. She won’t be a threat once you’re finished with her.”

I scrub a hand down my face. “Unfortunately, the damage has already been done. I shouldn’t have let it get to this point.”

“You couldn’t have seen this coming. No one expected Cecelia to go after Kristen like she has. Besides, your wife has some grit. She’s not going down without a fight.”

“You’ve spoken with her?”

“Yeah, she called this morning looking for this file.” He chuckles. “I learned a valuable lesson. Don’t fuck with you because your wife will fuck with me back.”


“Okay, I’ve just loaded the files into our drive. Have fun with the dragon. And enjoy taking Phillip down.”

We end the call and half an hour later, I’m standing in Cecelia’s condo, file in hand, ready to tear her to shreds.

She assesses me with that cool gaze of hers I hope never to lay eyes on again. “Let me guess, your wife sent you because she knows she didn’t actually get the job done.”

Fuck, Kristen came here? It’s troubling to me that I’m turned on by that. By her fierce desire to protect me. “I’m not here to discuss my wife.” I jab the file at her. “I’m here to make it very fucking clear that if you continue attacking Kristen, I will begin dismantling your life, brick by brick until you have nothing left.”

“Oh, Bradford, you dumb fucking man. Do you really believe you have that power?”

I lift my chin at the file she’s yet to look at. “Open it. See for yourself just what power I have. I think you’ll find that I don’t issue idle threats.”

She takes her time before opening the file, eyeing me like she doesn’t believe one word I’ve said. Her tune changes the second she begins skimming the document inside. Her jaw tenses and her fingers grip the file like she wants to crush it into a million tiny pieces. “I always knew you were an asshole.” She lifts her face to mine, the lines on it carved into angry slashes. “And now I have proof.”

“I will do whatever it takes to protect my wife, Cecelia. Don’t ever doubt that. The only reason you’ve managed to hurt her as much as you have is because I trusted the wrong person. I won’t make that mistake again.” I pause and look at her in such a way to let her know to pay very close attention to what I say next. “I won’t ever stop watching you. One wrong step and I will make good on this promise. Are we clear?”