This is why people should never have sex in public.

Never, ever,ever.

I scroll for five minutes and see that this video has hit everywhere. Right alongside story after story about my wild and loose ways. Photos of me with all my previous boyfriends plaster the internet. Doctored photos of me doing very sexual things to other men in public have also flooded the net. Men I have never even met. Headlines scream “Do You Want Her To Be The First Lady One Day?” and “She Will Corrupt Our Country.”

No wonder Bradford asked me to stay offline today.

Before I can think about what I’m going to do next, Jenna calls.

“Oh my, God, Kristen, are you okay? I just saw the news. Do you need me to come over?”

“I just saw it too. I also just had a visit from Alan.”

“Shit. What did he say? And wait, why was he visiting you?”

“He told me my fairytale is over and that I need to get the fuck out of Bradford’s life.”

“That fucking asshole! I hope you told him where to go.”

“I did.”

“Good. Where’s Bradford?”

“He’s gone into the office.”

Her voice softens. “Do you need me?”

“No, Mom’s here. She’ll fuss around me.”

“I know. That’s one reason why I asked if you need me.”

I laugh and am so grateful to her for giving me that moment of respite. “I love you, Jenna. I’m okay.” I take a deep breath. “I think I’m going to take charge of the narrative.”

“That is a great idea.”

“Okay, I have to go so I can get to work.”

“I love you, Kristen. And I’m so fucking proud of you.”

There’s something about your sister telling you she’s proud of you. It adds to the self-belief I’ve been digging deep for and helps me make my next phone call.

“Kristen,” Gage drawls when he answers my call. “I imagine you’re having a hell of a day. What can I do for you?”

I’m really glad I asked Bradford to key all his family members’ phone numbers into my phone after I met them. It will make what I want to do today easier.

“Cecelia. What have you got on her?”

“Does Bradford know you’re making this call?”


“I don’t think you want to go there, Kristen.”

“I’m not sure either, Gage, but I have to dosomething.”

“You don’t think Bradford’s got this handled?”

“I don’t think he should be burdened with this job alone.”