When I tighten my leg around Bradford and grind myself into his erection, he thrusts against me and groans so loudly it causes me to forget where we are and lose myself completely in him.

By the time we reach the rooftop, I’ve climbed into his arms and have undone his top few buttons. I think he’s just as lost in me because he hasn’t stopped me.

The elevator doors open, at which point Bradford comes to his senses and drags his mouth from mine while I work hard to regainmysenses. Thankfully, no one is waiting for the elevator and we’re able to fix our clothes and hair before anyone sees us.

Bradford’s hand finds mine and he leads me through the tables and chairs to a quiet spot away from everyone up here.

I stare up at the night sky as I put my hands on the railing, which is the safest place for them. The not-safe option is to do nasty things to his body and I really don’t think Alan would approve of that.

Breathing the winter air in, I look at Bradford who is watching me intently, waiting for my opening question. I smile as I think about how well he entertains my silly routine of asking him a random question each night. “You really do love me, don’t you?” It’s a redundant question because I know he does, but it’s my way of sayingI love how you love me in the tiny moments.

“More than you’ll ever know.”

I lean in and kiss him. “When we can move on to full-length dates, I want you to take me dancing. Like, filthy, dirty dancing. We’ll fly to the other side of the world where no one knows you and you’ll take me to a packed club where no one’s even watching anyone else because they’re all too busy with their partner.” I grip his coat. “You’ll pull me in front of you and I’ll rub my hips and ass all over your dick. Your fingers will dig into my skin so hard and so good that I’ll bend over and stick my ass in the air, making it so you can’t take your eyes off me and will be helpless but to get your hands all over me.” I tease his lips with mine, loving how much I’m affecting him. “We’ll dance for hours. You’ll want to fuck me on the dance floor. Maybe I’ll let you finger me. And when we finally get back to our hotel room, you’ll strip me and fuck me before we’re barely through the door, and then you’ll fuck me on every surface of that room until the sun comes up.” I glide my hands up his chest and slide them around his neck while pushing myself against him. Against his ear, I promise, “I will let you restrain me and blindfold me, and then beg you to fill my mouth with your cock. And then I will suck it until you come down my throat.”

He grabs a handful of my ass, very disrespectfully, while curling his other hand around my neck. Tracing the hollow of my throat with his nose, he rasps, “If you think I have it in me to wait until I get you to the other side of the world for all that, you have no idea what you do to me.”

“Maybe I’ll let you restrain me on your jet and—”

He uncurls his fingers from around my neck and presses one to my mouth. “Maybe you’ll show me some mercy and stop describing all the ways you want to suck my dick while I can’t do anything about how fucking hard you’re getting me.”

I keep my body crushed to his and my hands right where they are around his neck while I take a minute with his face. He’s so damn handsome and I will always think I’m the luckiest girl in the world to be the one who gets to stare at this face at the beginning and end of every day. “If you could have one superpower, what would you choose?”

“Where do you find these questions?” He’s amused. Last night, I asked him what meal he would choose if he had to eat only it for the rest of his life. He selected steak but he took a long time deciding and tried to talk his way into being allowed to choose a backup meal.Just in case the world runs out of beef, he’d said. I’d rolled my eyes at him and refused his suggestion of a backup meal.

I shrug. “It’s my special talent.”

“No, your special talent is turning me the hell on.”

“And it seems your special talent is delaying and avoiding. You will make an excellent politician.”

“My superpower would be to have all the superpowers at my disposal.”

“That’s not an option.”

“It’s always an option.”

“Says who?”

“Says me.”

“Right, but you’re not in charge here. I am, and I say you have to choose one.”

“Baby, if you think I’m the kind of man who wouldn’t find a way to have all the superpowers, we need to fix your perception of me. There’s no way I’m ever accepting just one superpower.”

And just like that, he wins, but only because he muddles my ability to think straight with thatbaby.

Also, he’s right. There’s no way Bradford wouldn’t figure out how to have as many superpowers as he wants.

“What would your superpower be?” he asks.

“It would depend on the day.”

“So, you’d only have one power at a time, but you’d choose which one you want based on the day you’re having?”

“Yes, because I understand there can only be one superpower per person.”

He grins. “But you wouldn’t lock yourself into only one option.”