“How did she cause the crisis?”

I make more wide eyes. “She texted me this morning to say she hoped we’re okay after the gossip posted about us overnight. Let it be known that she doesnotcare if we are okay. She just cares to know more of the details, of which I gave her none, because before her text I didn’t know any of them.”

“She told you about the gossip?”

“No. I looked online for it.”

A look of apology flashes across his face. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to stop all the lies.”

“They’re not your fault, Bradford.” He shared with me earlier in the week that he suspects people in the party who no longer want him to replace Senator Adler if he is indicted are behind the smear campaign. “And I should have stayed offline, but ugh, Lila always pushes my buttons. I have no idea why I still bother with her reunions.”

“Why do you?” He ignores the second text that buzzes in his pocket.

“I’m going to have to put some thought into that. Also, I don’t think I can go on without sugar in our home. I am certain that if I’d been able to have my coffee with sugar here this morning rather than having to go out for it, I could have avoided some of this crisis.”

Now, he looks even more confused. “I didn’t think you consumed sugar.”

“I don’t consume it at home, and I only consume a teaspoon of it a day.”

“In coffee that you drink somewhere other than at home.”


“Right. Got it. So we can have sugar here now?” He ignores a third text.

“You’re getting off track here.” Even I can hear the hysteria creeping into my voice. I’m not sure how Bradford appears unaffected by it. “I’m running late! And out of all the times that I could have run late this week, it’s for your parents. And your brothers. And I may not have a dress! And I—” I cut myself off when another text reaches his phone. “Oh my God,this phone”—I pull it from his pocket and look at it, noting four messages from Alan before thrusting it at him—“I swear, if he harasses me tonight, I cannot be held accountable for my actions.”

Bradford doesn’t even look at the texts. “Alan’s been harassing you?”

I stare up at him, taking in all the love and concern he’s looking at me with, and my chest and stomach instantly quieten. They’re not completely at peace, but the turbulence is gone and now it’s a hum I can cope with.

“I shouldn’t have used that word.”

“But it’s how you feel? Like you’re being harassed?”

I sway into him and rest my hand on his stomach. “No. I was being dramatic. I’m stressed because I’m running late and I feel like the time it will take me to finish getting ready won’t be anywhere near enough time for me to feel ready for tonight.”

“How long do you need?”

“Well, I’m just waiting on Jenna to arrive with my dress, and I have to finish my makeup. Maybe another half hour or so.”

“No, Kristen, how much time do you need after that to feel ready for tonight?”

My heart flutters. “I don’t know why I feel so nervous to meet your family,” I say softly. “But I’ve never been more nervous in my life.”

“I understand that. You should take as long as you need. They’ll wait.”

“No, Bradford. We have the gala to get to as well.” Mostly, though, I don’t want to keep his family waiting.

“We have an entire lifetime of galas ahead of us. They’ll all wait. My main priority is our marriage, and if you need a minute to feel ready for anything, you take it.”

I’m lost for words.

I never expected to find a man who would stop time for me. It means more than Bradford will ever know that he’s giving me this gift.

“I love you,” I say, “and I would kiss you right now, but we both know that you have a little bit of trouble leaving things at just a kiss, so I’m not going to. But you should know that you’re doing a lot of hiking later tonight.”

Before I know what’s happening, he’s got one arm around me, my body hard against his, and his mouth on mine so he can take the kiss he wants. He is anything but polite with where he puts his other hand, and completely indecent with the way he kisses me.