Page 91 of Owen North

It started with our feet when we first arrived.

I kicked a heel off and ran my foot up his leg after a few sips of champagne.

He eyed me with a look I couldn’t quite decipher, so I took it as encouragement to continue.

With my second glass of champagne, I put my hand on his thigh and nudged it closer and closer to his cock until he stopped me when I stroked him. His big hand curling over my small one and staying there was enough to short-circuit the only part of my brain still working.

I can’t put into words what Owen’s skin against mine does to me. Suffice it to say, it has the ability to make me do very bad things.

When Tina goes to the restroom and Mathius steps away from the table to take a call, Owen leans in close and says, “Do you want to play, Charlize? Because we can if you want to.”

I blink in the way only a girl can when a man says something like that to her.

When I don’t answer him right away, because my brain is currently trying to un-short-circuit itself, he removes his hand from mine and places it on my thigh. He then slips it under my dress and makes his way up to my panties.

My heart gallops.

Desire pulses through every vein in my body.

My legs part all by themselves.

I look at Owen as his fingers brush over my panties.

A moment later, he slides his hand inside them and finds my clit.

I spread my legs a little further and do my best not to moan out loud.

Owen brings his mouth to my ear again when he pushes a finger inside me. “We need to get out of here because I need my tongue inside you rather than my finger.”

I grip his thigh. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to come.”

His eyes blaze with fire. “I’m not stopping.”

Tina comes back to the table. Smiling at me, she says, “Champagne does wonders for you, Charlize. You’re glowing. We should have another.”

Owen’s finger reaches deeper inside me.

My fingers dig into his leg, squeezing him hard.

If only Tina knew why I’m glowing.

“Yes,” I breathe out to Tina. “More champagne would be lovely.”

She motions to the waiter and orders our drinks before looking at me again. “Mathius and I will be in New York at the end of next month. I’d love to spend some time with you.”

Because I can barely form a thought, I nod and say, “Yes, let’s. We could go bowling.”


Jesus, where did that come from?

I do love bowling, but I’m not sure Tina strikes me as a bowling kind of woman.

Owen’s mouth lifts at the end.

“Or to the spa,” I throw out, wondering just how I’m going to make it through this conversation.

Can Owen either hurry up and get this done or stop altogether? I’m a hot mess of need here and I’m not certain I can keep all my moans on the inside for much longer.