Page 63 of Owen North

I’m pretty sure that by the end of my time here, Owen will have decreed that none of my clothes are to be worn again, and that I will have tried to throw myself at him at least fifteen times.

* * *

I worklike a maniac to complete all of Jill’s tasks this afternoon as well as get through the jobs Tahlia requested help with. I’m grateful for the new computer Owen had delivered. I would have surely thrown that old one at the wall today if he hadn’t.

I outdo myself with the dinners I arrange for Owen in London next week. That’s in part thanks to the time I’ve spent in that city. I know where all the best restaurants are, and since Tahlia mentioned I could choose the restaurants if I knew of any worth eating at, I chose based on my favorites. I, of course, didn’t base my decisions on whether they have Nutella dishes on the menu. Owen really has no idea what he’s missing out on there.

I also email Tahlia some suggestions for extra touches his clients might appreciate based on my knowledge of London and previous work I’ve done for bosses. Not wanting to step on her toes, though, I make sure to mention in my email that I realize she likely has this handled but that I wanted to be diligent and highlight them in case. She emails back to thank me, telling me that work is so hectic for her this week that some of these ideas had slipped her mind and she’s grateful I included them.

After completing that work, I make a start on the jobs that are on Jill’s less important list of tasks. I’m so busy checking jobs off, feeling accomplished, that I lose track of time. When I glance at the computer to check, it’s almost 7:30 p.m.

“Jesus,” I mutter to myself. “No wonder I’m hungry.”

I shut down my computer and tidy my desk. Well,tidymight be embellishing. That word and my name don’t really go together, but my desk is orderly as far as I’m concerned by the time I leave.

I’m about to step into the elevator when Tahlia calls out, “Charlize! Wait!”

I eye her running my way. She appears frazzled.

“Can I beg one last favor of you today? Please?”

“So long as it doesn’t involve me doing anything that will stop me from eating. I have a hot date with pizza and it’s not a date I want to give up.”

She laughs. “I totally get it, and no, you won’t have to give up your hot date.” She shoves a bottle of whiskey at me. “Can you please take this to Owen? I was on my way out to do it, but my mom just called and asked me to look after my niece tonight because my sister has been taken to the hospital.”

“Oh my gosh, is she okay?”

“She’s pregnant and has been experiencing heavy bleeding. They’re monitoring her. She’s okay at the moment.”

I glance at the whiskey while every part of my body blazes alive at the thought of seeing Owen tonight. “Where do I have to take it?”

“To his place. He’s having a client over for dinner. This whiskey is the client’s wife’s favorite, and since the guy’s an asshole who Owen’s trying to placate, I promised Owen I’d get it to him for the dinner.”

I like Tahlia a lot. Not that I’ve spent much time with her, but she’s not formal or rigid like some women I’ve worked with.

She rattles off an address on West 57thStreet and I assure her I’ll get this to Owen straight away. A few minutes later, I’m in a taxi on my way.

Owen lives in one of the tallest residential towers in New York. I stare up at it as I step out of the cab. Just looking up makes my stomach drop a little. I’m okay with heights, but this building istall. I can’t imagine living on any of the top floors and looking out over the city. I think that would be too much for me.

I walk into the lobby, taking in the waterfall at the entrance and the pure luxury inside. It’s dripping in gilded details. There’s gold and sparkle everywhere from the chandelier to the luxurious carpet to the marble throughout. My mother would approve of all of this.

I’m sent up to the 90thfloor and met by Owen’s butler as I step out of the elevator into his foyer. He welcomes me and leads me through a series of galleries to the open floor living area that showcases the glittering lights of Manhattan thanks to floor-to-ceiling windows and tall ceilings.

Laughter and voices grow louder as we walk into the living area. And then someone starts playing a piano near a window just as it comes into view. A blonde woman sits at it, her fingers moving over the keys with very little skill. Three men are standing around her talking. One of them is trying his best to get her to stop playing, but she just laughs at him, telling him, “Darling, let me be. You know I love playing the piano, and since you refuse to have one, I need to make the most of Owen’s.”

Owen strides into view, moving to stand next to the man who’s trying to stop the woman playing. “Yes, let her be, Ron.” Then, to the woman, he says, “Crystal, feel free to come over and make the most of this piano whenever you want.”

Crystal blows an air kiss at Owen and carries on.

“Sir.” Owen’s butler gains his attention which is quickly then drawn to me.

He excuses himself from his guests and comes my way, bringing all that black he’s wearing with him.

Black trousers.

Black dress shirt.

Black shoes.