Page 62 of Owen North

She’s right that we should not do this again.

That red ribbon wouldn’t survive another night like this.



Ibarely see Owen at the office on Thursday. I’m both disappointed by this and relieved. But mostly disappointed.

When I do catch sight of him walking from his office to the boardroom, deep in conversation with Julian, I stare for at least five hundred minutes too long.

Okay, slight exaggeration, but everything feels exaggerated. Heightened. More intense.

How I made it through that dinner with him last night without throwing myself across the table and demanding he fuck me is beyond me. Honestly, good sex should not exist because once you’ve had it, it’s all you can think about.

Owen’s wearing a dark gray suit today. With a black shirt. And a tie.

I haven’t seen him wear a tie this week, and I can’t help wondering if he’s wearing it for me. So that he isn’t tempted to undo those top two buttons.

“Charlize,” Tahlia says when she finds me in the break room making a coffee just after lunch. “Can you help me with something this afternoon? It’ll probably take about an hour.”

I mentally run through the jobs I have to get done for Jill today and quickly decide I can make some time for Tahlia. “Sure. What is it?”

“Owen’s attending a conference in London next week and I need to arrange a couple of dinners he’s holding for clients. I also need some documents prepared. I’ll email it all through to you in about ten minutes.” She looks a little stressed. “Thank you for this. I’m run off my feet with other stuff for this trip that came up this morning.”

“No worries. I’m happy to help with anything you need.”

She leaves and I go back to making coffee. I’m in the middle of thinking about Owen’s tie again when his deep voice sounds from behind me. Fromrightbehind me. Like, so close that when he speaks, I feel his warm breath on my neck.

“You owe me a coffee.”

Dear God, does thinking about him conjure him into existence?

I must cease all thinking about him.

I place my hands on the counter and grip the edge while taking a steadying breath. How have I lived for twenty-seven years and never known that a man has the power to make you come without even trying? Not that he has, but I have no doubt he could with the way my body just screamed to life.

“You owe me an orgasm.”

“Fuck.” That one word growls itself all the way through my veins.

I turn to face him. “No coffee for three weeks. Then, I’m all about the coffee war.”

He’s all heat and a little amusement when he asks, “The coffee war?”

“Ah, yeah, we’re fighting this out. I’ve decided I was wrong about your coffee. It’s nowhere near as good as mine. I was just under the Owen sex spell that day.”

More amusement flashes across his face. “I don’t recall us having sex that day.”

“We didn’t. You have superpowers that last long after I sleep with you.”

I really need to stop talking because it’s only encouraging him to become more entertained by me. “Good to know.”

I look at his tie. “One of us needs to leave this room and it needs to be you.” I meet his gaze again. “I’d go, but I haven’t finished making my coffee yet.”

He stays for another minute, taking his sweet time looking at me, before finally saying, “This dress needs to be added to your list of clothes not to wear while you’re working here.”

With that, he turns and walks that fine ass of his out the door, leaving me in a hot mess of lust and bewilderment.