Page 9 of Owen North


“You’re too busy washing your hair every night?”

My lips quirk.

I enjoy bantering with this man far too much.

“I never bother with my hair.” I point at it. “This cleanliness is highly unusual.”

“The upkeep dating requires turns you off it?”

“What upkeep? I am not a woman who bothers with any upkeep.”

“You’ve been burned one too many times?”

“Try a hundred times too many.”

He narrows his eyes at me. “You’ve swapped men for cats?”

“I knew you were smart the minute I met you, Owen. It only took you five guesses to figure me out.”

He drinks some of his whiskey. “I need to have a word with the universe and find out what I did to ruin my chance with you.”

I smile at him. “It wasn’t you; it was me.”

“Fuck. The words a man never wants to hear.”

My smile turns into a grin at his playful tone. I angle my body so I’m facing him. “You seriously think I believeyou’veheard those words before?”

“You think I haven’t?”

I sip some more wine. “Okay, tell me who and when, because no, I can’t imagine any woman saying that to you.”

“You just did.”

“That’s not quite accurate.”

“That’s how I took it.”

“Are you going to prove your ‘me, not you’ claims or was I right to think you were making up stories?”

Those blue eyes of his twinkle. “Right. Amanda Cleary broke up with me when I was seventeen. She told me it was her, not me.”

I roll my eyes. “Teen heartbreak doesn’t count.”

“It absolutely does. Amanda was my first love. We were together for two years before she broke up with me. You can’t tell me you don’t have a high school broken heart story.”

“I didn’t have a boyfriend in high school.”

That appears to stun him. “What? Bullshit.”

I shake my head. “Not bullshit. I was eighteen when I had my first boyfriend.”

“Did you date before that though?”

“No.” I take a moment while I consider being fully honest with him. Normally I wouldn’t share something so personal, but since I don’t plan on seeing Owen again, and since I feel a connection with him, I decide to be more vulnerable than I ever am when I first meet a guy. “I was filled with too much anxiety to even talk to guys in high school. I mean, you’ve seen me in action. I get myself into all kinds of trouble just being out in the world, let alone when I talk to guys I like. I was a hot mess whenever I tried to talk to my crush.”

“So, I should interpret you spilling your drink all over yourself as a sign you like me?”