Page 81 of Jameson Fox

And most definitely not if he’s asking.

“I think we should go back to ignoring each other.”

I expect his impatience to bristle. Or his annoyance to flare. Or something other than what he gives me.Anythingbut what he gives me.

“I hope she’s aware of what she has in you.”

How can it be that Jameson sees me better than anyone?

I swallow my heart that decided sitting in my throat seemed like a better idea than staying in my chest. “The only thing Sabrina is aware of is herself,” I say softly, wondering how he’s managed to draw these words from me.

“So, she’s like your mother.”

I find myself smiling at that. I like Jameson’s no-bullshit approach. “Yes, she’s a mini-Frances. Although, she can be quite aggressive, whereas my mother is much calmer about things.”

“I picked up on that at the wedding.”

That surprises me. As far as I knew, Jameson paid no attention to me, my family, or my friends that day.

“Mom likes to say that Sabrina is like our father while I’m like her.”

“Do you remember your father?”

“No. I have some memories. Fragments, really.” I pause. “I remember things that don’t feel good, so I don’t spend time lingering, you know?”

“Yeah,” he says roughly, like he knows exactly what I mean.

My phone sounds with a text.

Natalie: Sorry! Ryan came over. Question: what the fuck does it mean when a guy you thought was into you doesn’t initiate sex? I’ve never had this before and it’s confusing AF.

Adeline: I’ve not had that either. Maybe he’s tired?

Natalie: This isn’t just tonight. Almost every time we’ve had sex has been because I’ve started it.

Adeline: But he’s into it? Like, he wants to fuck you, right?

Natalie: God, yes.

Adeline: Google is your friend.

Natalie: Is MA there? Go ask him for me.

Adeline: I’m not asking MA about anything that has to do with sex.

Natalie: How much do you love me? Seriously, I need a man’s perspective on this.

Adeline: UGH.

I look at Jameson. “What does it mean when a guy you’ve just started dating isn’t initiating sex?”

I knew this was a bad idea before I asked the question. Now, I know it was a really bad idea. Jameson and I can’t discuss sex without thinking about fucking each other. That much is clear from the heat that’s come to life in his eyes.

“He’s not fucking her?”


I can’t go on.