Page 67 of Jameson Fox

I know by the tone he’s taken that he has no intention of letting this go. If I don’t answer him now, he’ll just come looking for the answer tonight. “We didn’t do Christmas in my house growing up. Mom wasn’t even home most Christmases. It was just me and Sabrina. No presents, no food, no nothing. So, I’m not big on it. And I never celebrate it.” I pause. “I need to prepare for your mom’s level of excitement.”

He’s silent for a moment before finally saying, “We never celebrated it either when I was a kid. My father didn’t allow it. Since his death, Mom goes all out. But she won’t expect you to participate if you don’t want to. I’ll let her know it’s not your thing.”

I’m surprised he shared that with me. Jameson is not an open book to anyone. The world barely knows a thing about him.

I’m also surprised he offered me an out for Christmas with his family.

“Thank you,” I say. “But there’s no need to tell her that. I’ll be fine.”

“Adeline,” he starts, but I cut him off.

“No, really, I’ll be okay.”

“You may change your mind when I tell you that she has a whole range of Christmas traditions that are about to begin.”

“What do you mean ‘about to begin?’”

“There’s the tree, the baking, the shopping, the ice-skating. That’s just some of it.”


“Right, tonight, we’re going over all this. I don’t care if you have work you have to do, you’re allocating some time to me so I can start preparing for all this.”

“I won’t be home until late tonight.”

“What time?”

“I don’t know. Ten, maybe.” I swear I can see him raking his fingers through his hair like he does when he’s irritated with me. But for once, I hear only a trace of his impatience.

“Ten it is. Don’t be late.”

“Fuck,” he mutters, but I ignore that. If it’s the last thing he does tonight, he will be giving me the information I require to make it through this Christmas.

We end the call and I get back to work. Mario has requested we spend an hour together this afternoon to go over some designs the team has been working on, so I have to get through a stack of other work to fit that in.

It’s a hectic Monday and I’m thankful that Jameson and I don’t have anything to attend tonight. We’ve been out every night since last Thursday. And while I originally thought the weekend was going to be a quiet one, we ended up attending lunches as well both days.

To say the last four days have been a whirlwind for me is an understatement. But that could have more to do with the fact mybodyhas been in a whirlwind. Spending all that time with Jameson has me on edge.

While he hasn’t acted on it, he hasn’t hidden his desire for me. I’m not sure Jameson is the kind of man who could do that even if he tried. He runs on pure masculine energy. It lives and breathes in him. One look at the man and it’s impossible not to sense his power, strength, and virility.

It doesn’t help that he’s started giving me more consideration. I mean, that was what I wanted, but now that I have it, I’m finding it hard to ignore my attraction to him.

It’s a mess of epic proportions. A mental mess I don’t have time for because work is busier than ever.

The gossip that was all over social media last week seems to be dying down, thankfully. However, we’re busy preparing for fashion week amongst other things, and I’m full steam ahead with my plans to open a London store.

No one has time for Jameson Fox when they’re busy trying to get through life.

Yet, here I am, dealing with him.

He has dialed back his morning kisses, though, opting for the cheek kiss instead. And this morning, he had to leave early for work, so there was no opportunity for any form of invasion. I’m not counting on this lasting. All it will take is for Bill to show an ounce of suspicion, and Jameson will resume full invasion mode.

I leave the office just before seven, taking some work home with me to complete after dinner.

Wesley, Jameson’s chef, surprises me with pizza for dinner. He asked me last week what my guilty pleasures are, and I included pizza on the list. Since Jameson won’t be eating dinner at home tonight, Wesley decided it was the perfect night for one of my favorites.

I take the pizza to the sofa and turn the television on. If tonight is for guilty pleasures, I’m indulging in someVampire Diariestoo. A little Damon is good for the soul.