Page 58 of Jameson Fox

What I shouldn’t do is get into a discussion with her on this, because I know it’ll just end up in an argument.

Yet, I find myself asking, “You didn’t enjoy it?”

It seems I enjoy arguing with her more than I should.

Especially since I know the answer to my question.

Adeline fucking begged for my dick.

I’ve never wanted a woman to beg me for it as much as I wanted her to.

She doesn’t bother lying to me.

Instead, she says, “Faking ignorance doesn’t suit you, Jameson.”

My lips quirk. “I’m learning not to make assumptions.”

“Wow.” She crosses her arms. “You do have a sense of humor. I’m actually stunned.”

I find myself smiling. I can’t recall the last time a woman made me smile like this. It feels easy, and fuck if that doesn’t surprise me. “Okay, let’s get this done. I have more work still to do once we’re finished.”

When she hesitates after I sit on the bed, I say, “I’m not going to touch you.”

She gives me a look of disbelief but finally sits back down while muttering something I can’t quite make out. If I’m not mistaken, though, I think she says something about a coffin.

We spend fifteen minutes going back and forth over our next month. Adeline tells me which events are her most important and I mark them in red on my calendar. She does the same with my events on her calendar. We agree that we’ll ensure we attend these functions together. The rest won’t matter if we can’t get to them as a couple.

It takes some negotiation because some of our events clash. I’ve had a couple of relationships I deemed serious at the time; however, I’ve never gone to this trouble for anyone because it hasn’t been important to me that I show up as part of a couple to anything.

I’m not used to making space for anyone in my life. It’s never been important to me to build a relationship. Not a romantic one. I don’t have the time to invest in that. Or the inclination.

I realized tonight that the only way I’m going to succeed at this marriage is to make space for Adeline. If she was more like me, we’d simply exchange the information we needed through our assistants, methodically work our way through the engagements we need to show our face at, rinse and repeat.

She’s not like me, though.

Adeline runs on emotion, and she requires an emotional investment.

I missed that memo during our engagement somehow. But I’ve received it loud and clear now. And while I’m not convinced I have the bandwidth to give her exactly what she requires, I can give her this.

“That wasn’t too hard, was it?” she says as she closes her calendar on her phone. “I mean, you’re still breathing, right?”

I stand. Ignoring her sarcasm, I say, “Going forward, use the red highlights when you add things that are important. And let Shantel know of any clashes.”

She gives me a look of irritation, but it seems more subdued than what I’m used to from her. “One of these days, you’ll stop treating me like a child. Do you think you could speed that day along?”

“I’m not treating you like a child. I’m simply ensuring we’re on the same page.”

“I’m not stupid, Jameson. I can put all that together for myself.”

She’s right. She’s one of the smartest women I know. However, I’ve not gotten to this point in my life by assuming people won’t drop the ball on me. Reiterating agreed-upon points is how I ensure shit doesn’t get fucked up. I’m not about to change the way I’ve always done things.

I say goodnight and leave her to sleep while I go and finish the work I brought home with me.

I stay up far too late tonight, my thoughts tangled over fucking Adeline.

It was the best sex I’ve ever had.

That’s what I keep coming back to.