Page 54 of Jameson Fox

I forget myself as the pleasure Jameson delivers becomes all-consuming.

All I know is the orgasm I’m chasing and the man I’m chasing it with.

And then, it finally shatters through me, and I’m falling into it.

Jameson jerks one last time and then comes too.

He doesn’t pull out straight away and I don’t move fast either.

I need a minute to catch my breath and collect myself.

And then I hear Bill’s voice float down the hallway.

Jameson pulls out and I reach for my clothes while wondering what the hell I’ve just done.

Fucking him was a bad decision. One I already regret.

He zips himself up while I finish putting my dress on.

“I’ll make Bill a drink while you clean up,” he says.

I nod. I’m a hot mess of dazed thoughts, unable to form any reply other than, “Okay.”

He’s almost out the door when he stops and looks back. “We’ll sit down after dinner and go over our schedules together.”

With that, he exits the office and heads toward the great room while I process everything he just did and said.

I make my way to the bedroom.

I need another shower.

I need to clean Jameson from my body.

And I need to forget this ever happened.



Fucking Adeline was never in the plan, but if I’m honest with myself, I always knew it was going to happen. The attraction between us is too strong for it not to have. Watching her walk into the great room where Bill and I are sitting with a drink, I suspect she’s unsure of how to deal with it, but I wouldn’t know that from looking at her. She looks relaxed and confident.

She’s showered and swapped the blue dress for a pink one. It’s sexy but more subtle about that than the blue one was. That blue dress made me lose my goddamn mind. No, that’s not true. The woman who wore the dress makes me do that without the help of anyone or anything.

“Bill,” she greets him with a warm smile before coming to sit with me. She doesn’t hesitate to nestle in close to me on the sofa, easily resting her hand on my thigh while I spread my arm across the back of the sofa. When she notices the wine glass sitting on the coffee table in front of us, she reaches for it and says, “Thank you, darling.”

Fuck, just the thought of her is enough to get my dick’s attention. Having her this close again, with her body against mine and her hand on me, causes a rush of desire and a mindfuck of thoughts.

Adeline may hate me, but I don’t hate her. However, while I’ve now had sex with her, I wasn’t lying when I told Hudson I didn’t want to. Fuck knows how this will shift the dynamic between us. We were already on fragile ground. I’m unsure this marriage can sustain more fragility. Not for a year, anyway.

But hell if I don’t want her again.

“How are you, Adeline?” Bill asks, taking a sip of his whiskey. “It’s been a big week for you so far.”

She drinks some wine. “It’s been a god-awful week. I’m okay, but tired. You?”

“I’ve been busy, but nothing out of the ordinary,” he says before eyeing me. “How’s Paulina working out?”

“Better than expected.” I struggle to give him more of an answer than that. I’m finding it hard to shift my focus from Adeline.