Page 43 of Jameson Fox

Jameson is exiting the gym when I arrive.

“Good morning,” he says, running his eyes over my body appreciatively. No man’s eyes have caused my body to respond the way Jameson’s do.

The second his eyes meet my body, my core wakes up, my skin wakes up, my veins wake up.

I feel him everywhere at once.

I want him everywhere at once.

His eyes, his hands, his mouth.

Oh Jesus, I want that mouth of his in ways I should not want it.

“Morning,” I say while mentally telling my body to stop thinking for itself.

She, of course, pays no attention.

Jameson is stealing all her attention with his muscles all up in her face.

Good God, are his muscles really that big?

And why am I so attracted to him while he’s so damn sweaty?

I try not to stare, but that part of me that wants to sit on his lap and do filthy things to him is in full control, and she’s having nothing to do with the other part of me who could stab him at the best of times.

“I’d like to leave early this morning,” he says, his gravelly voice shooting another wave of lust through my body.

My thoughts crash into each other and land with a thud.

What did he just say?

Something about grinding against me?

While I sit on his lap?

And he bites my neck?

Shit, no.

That was me thinking that.

Abort, abort, abort.

“Adeline? Did you hear what I said?”

I stare at him, willing my brain to start working again.

I nod like an idiot while no words come out of my mouth.

He frowns. “I’ll take that as a yes to leaving early?”




“Good.” With one last sweep of his eyes over my body, he moves past me.