Page 36 of Jameson Fox

“Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.”

“You need to find other forms of supporting your business, then. This isn’t a healthy way of doing business.”

My eyes go wide. “How about you stick to what you know, and I’ll stick to what I know?”

“What I know is that you’ve always got some social media crisis to deal with. It consumes you at times. That can’t be good for you.”

“It’s business. And may I remind you that I’m not the only one dealing with problems. Your business also has them.”

“My business has problems I can fix because the issues are within my control. Your problems are out of your control.”

Another text comes through. It’s good timing because I need the break from listening to Jameson tell me how to run my business.

Natalie: Babe, don’t go on Instagram tonight, okay?

Adeline: It’s too late if this is about Ian. Lara’s already told me.

Natalie: I’m sorry. Just remember these people don’t know you, so anything they’re saying isn’t the truth.

Adeline: Thank you <3

I meet Jameson’s gaze again. “Please don’t talk to me about my business again. You don’t know anything about it.”

“That may be the case, but I know about business, Adeline. And I know that business problems can find their way into personal lives.” He pauses. “Make sure that doesn’t happen with this marriage.”

I glare at him. “Would you say that to a man? Or are you assuming because I’m a woman, I can’t keep my life under control?”

Irritation dances across his face. “This has nothing to do with you being a woman.”

“I’m not sure I believe you.”

“Believe what you choose, but don’t fuck this up.”

I don’t talk to him after that.

I can’t.

He’s angered me so much I want nothing to do with him. Goodness knows how we’re going to make it through this dinner with his family.



Adeline’s long legs are as distracting as her attitude is frustrating. I’m having trouble tearing my eyes from them tonight just as much as I’m having trouble with her attitude.

She’s wearing black leather pants and stiletto boots with heels that can’t be good for a woman’s back. I do, however, find them sexy as hell. But then, I find everything about her sexy as hell, even when I don’t want to.

It’s only Tuesday, yet it feels like I’ve endured longer than just a few days of marriage to her.

“You look like you’d rather be anywhere but here,” Hudson says when I join him in Mom’s kitchen just after I leave Adeline in the living room with Mom.

“I’d rather be here without my wife,” I mutter.

My brother chuckles and pours me a whiskey. “That bad, huh?”

I take the drink and throw some down my throat. “You’ve no idea.”

“So, Bill is here.”