Page 15 of Jameson Fox

Stiffening in my hold, she’s perfectly arctic when she says, “A friend is just that to me, Ian. A friend. Nothing more.” The tone she takes with him is one I know well. It’s the one that tells whoever’s on the receiving end of it to back the hell off.

There were numerous stories written about Adeline when her first marriage ended. Stories that insinuated she cheated with a friend of theirs. I’ve never discussed it with her. Mostly because it’s none of my business, but also because I don’t believe it for a second.

Ian pays no attention to her caution, continuing to eye-fuck her while drawling, “Well, if I was Jameson, I’d keep a close eye on Brax. With a woman like you, with your history, he’ll probably think he’s got a shot.”

Unwilling and unable to tolerate another second of this bullshit, I step in. “That’s enough.” I only utter two words, but they fall between the three of us with furious weight. Ian’s a lucky man tonight; if there weren’t hundreds of eyes on me and Adeline, he’d be lying at my feet now.

Adeline is angrier than I am. Moving forward, out of my hold and closer to Ian, she says, “It’s men like you who remind me that there are some real assholes out there. I used to be married to one of them and I vowed never to put up with his kind of shit again. I’m only going to say this once, Ian. Don’t ever look at me again. Don’t ever come near me again. And don’t ever fucking talk to me again.”

Ian’s cheeks redden and he looks at Adeline with distaste. “That was a mistake. A big fucking one. But bitches like you don’t—”

My fury blazes, filling my chest with scorching, caustic anger, the likes of which I haven’t felt in a long time. “Get the fuck out of my sight. And if you ever come near my wife again, I’ll make you regret that decision.”

He looks at me, directing his dislike my way now. “Nowyou’remaking a mistake, my friend.”

“We were never friends, and we never will be. And the only mistake I’m making is the one in which I’m allowing you to continue to stand in front of Adeline without my fist in your face.”

He glares at me for another couple of moments before finally stalking away from us.

Adeline turns her body to face me, her eyes filled with fierce fire. “I don’t need you to fight my battles.”

I watch Ian until I can no longer see him. He’s angered me to the point where I may need to take it to my gym when we get home.

“Jameson,” Adeline snaps, her outrage flaring brighter. “Did you hear what I said?”

I look at her. “You may not need me to, but you’re mine to protect now, so I won’t hesitate to fight your battles.”

Her eyes widen. “I am not yours and never will be.”

“Youaremine, for twelve months, and you need to get used to that.”

Determination bleeds from her as she says, “The only one of us who needs to get used to anything isyou. Don’t go to battle for me again.”

She turns and walks away from me, into the restroom.

Unable to let this go, I stride after her, finding her standing at the sink when I enter the bathroom.

Her gaze meets mine in the mirror when I move behind her.

She doesn’t say a word; she simply issues a challenge with those beautiful eyes of hers.

I bend my mouth to her ear. “I am your husband now, Adeline, and I will act accordingly. Any man who comes near you will have my eye on him. And any man who treats you the way Ian did will be made to understand never to do it again.” I snake my arm around her waist and pull her hard against me. “You can tell me not to fight your battles, but you don’t have a hope in hell of me listening to you.” My voice drops low as I add, “In time, you will learn I am not a man who can be told what to do.”

She shoots daggers at me in the mirror. “Take your hands off me.”

I glide my hand across her stomach, splaying my fingers against the smooth material of her dress. I move slowly, deliberately. Adeline needs to understand I will never be a man who acts on demand.

Her breathing slows as her anger intensifies.

Desire too.

It’s written all over her.

White hot anger and desire all mixed together, raging between us, meeting my own anger and desire.

We do the dance we’re becoming adept at.

The push and pull.