Page 64 of Jameson Fox

Like finding ways to frustrate the one man she shouldn’t frustrate.

Because a frustrated Jameson only leads to trouble.

The kind of trouble I know very well I should avoid.



Natalie: You survived a week of marriage to MA!

Adeline: Technically, I’m on day ten.

Natalie: I stand corrected. You are a warrior princess. How was he this morning? Did he subject you to a kiss this morning when he dropped you at work? Or did he fuck you before leaving for work?

Adeline: I told you, I’m never having sex with that man again.

And I’m doing well with that declaration. It’s been five days since I let him touch me.Let, not begged. I refuse to acknowledge the begging I did.

Natalie: I see we’re still in denial. How much longer are we going to play pretend?

Adeline: You are the worst best friend. How’s Ryan?

Natalie: I fucked him twice this morning. He’s good.

Adeline: Ugh. Go away. And no, Jameson didn’t drive into work with me today, so no kiss was endured.

“Adeline,” Vanessa says, popping her head into my office. “Douglas is here.”


Adeline: Gotta run. My money man is here.

Natalie: Good luck!!!

“Douglas,” I greet my CFO.

He takes the seat across from me. “I see we’re being formal today.”

“Well, you requested a meeting formally, which is so fucking odd for you, so I thought I should run with it.”

Douglas has worked with me for four years. We have quite an informal relationship these days after he helped me build my company into what it is today. I have a lot of respect for this man. He’s never led me wrong. His super formal email last week requesting this meeting threw me a little. It’s so out of character for him.

He smiles as he crosses his legs. “Yeah, it was odd, wasn’t it? Sorry about that.”

“Jesus, can you hurry up and get to the point. Please tell me you aren’t resigning.”

“Fuck, no.” He slides a folder across the desk to me. “Take a look at that.”

“Is it bad? I don’t need any bad news today, so if it is, come back tomorrow and see if I’m ready then.”

He laughs. “It’s not bad, Adeline.” He lifts his chin at me. “Open it.”

I do as he says and find a financial report inside. I skim it and then eye him. “Is this saying what I think it’s saying?”


Excitement slides through me. That feeling that sits low in your stomach like electricity waiting to be freed. “Fuck.” We’ve been waiting a long time for this.