Page 60 of Jameson Fox

I watch the car pull away from the curb, my breaths leaving my body faster than they were before he touched me.

Why must I like what he said so much?

There is something very wrong with me.

We haven’t spoken this morning, except for when he asked me if I was okay to leave at seven thirty. But I’ve felt his eyes on me every second while in his presence.

God, how I’ve felt them.

I gather myself and head into my office.

Vanessa won’t be in today. She’s still unwell, so I suggested she take the rest of this week off. Her replacement is good at her job, but she’s no Vanessa. Even when Vanessa is off her game like she has been lately, she’s still the best assistant I’ve had. I’m anticipating a hectic day, so not having her here will only increase my workload.

“Oh, good,” Lara says, coming into my office as I sip my first coffee for the day and scroll emails. “You’re in.” She sits across from me. “We just got this proposal through for you to do a reality TV show, and while I’m guessing it’s probably not something you’d normally consider doing, and while I’m not even sure I’d want you to, I’m intrigued by it and am wondering if it might be a good thing for the brand.”

She’s right about me not normally considering a reality show, but I’m always open to hearing about anything she thinks might be good for my brand. “Give me your thoughts on it.”

She runs me through the details of the proposal, highlighting the fact I’d apparently have equal input into what makes the final cut. Another key point in her mind is the fact the producers are more interested in filming my work life than my personal life.

“I’ve forwarded you the proposal,” she says. “Take a read and see what you think.”

“I will, but I have to be honest and say I don’t think it’s for me.” Not while I’m married to Jameson, anyway. There’s no way he’d agree to this.

“Yeah, I know, but I’m thinking this might help the launch of Adeline + Pearce next year. I think the show’s planned release might coincide well with that.”

“That’s a good point. I’ll put some thought into it.” Any extra publicity Jenna and I can generate for the launch of our new company would be good.

She stands as a string of notifications hit her phone. Tapping it, she takes a moment reading whatever just came through. Then, looking at me, she says, “Jameson let the team down this morning.” She holds her phone up to show me a photo of him and me on the sidewalk earlier. “Tell him to do better tomorrow.”

I shoo her out of my office without responding to that. I then get to work for the day, working a solid ten hours filled with meetings with my designers; signing off on the replacement Mario found for the designer who quit yesterday; meeting with Jenna to go through the wardrobe she’s styled for my next month of red carpets and social functions; and doing an interview withVogue.

I’ve just finished the interview when a text comes through.

Jameson: I’ll be home around nine.

I stare at my phone.

I almost fall off my chair.

Like, literally.

He has never texted me.

Not once.

Adeline: Did you send this yourself or is this Shantel texting on your behalf?

Jameson: Shantel never uses my phone.

Adeline: So, you figured out all by yourself how to send a text?

Jameson: Smartass.

Adeline: Right. Just testing to see if this really is you. Thank you for the confirmation. Also, feel free to come home later.

He doesn’t reply to that, but I don’t expect him to. Mind you, he’s started surprising me by doing things I don’t expect, so who knows anymore. I’m quite stunned to have received not only a text from him, but also an update on his plans.

I work solidly for another hour before leaving the office. Max picks me up and stops at Brenda’s shop on the way home so I can grab a bacon, egg, and cheese bagel. I’m craving carbs today and a bagel always hits the mark for me. Brenda’s excited to see me again and insists on giving me a glazed donut for Jameson.