Page 26 of Jameson Fox

I tighten my hold, not allowing her to move. “Youareaware people are watching, aren’t you?”

“Jameson, in case you need the reminder, I’ve lived my entire adult life in the public eye. I’m aware people are always watching.”

Fuck, she’s testy tonight.

“So perhaps you could also remember you’re my wife now, and as such, there’s an expectation that two days after our wedding, you’d want to fucking stand next to me.”

“Of course, I remember I’m your wife,” she snaps. “I wish I could forget, but there you are, always in my head.”

Just like she’s always in my damn head.

Even when I tried to push thoughts of her from my mind today, I struggled.

I thought about sleeping next to her the last two nights, something that’s been harder than I imagined. I have a large bed and yet it’s still not large enough for me to avoid her.

I thought about all the social media and tabloid lies published about her. I mentioned them to Gabriel and asked him to look into them. Adeline is convinced she needs to do photo shoots and concoct a new social media strategy to fix the problem. I wouldn’t bother. I’d simply have someone fix the problem for me.

I also thought about the honeymoon we need to have.

On top of all that, her scent clung to me for hours after I dropped her at work this morning, so even when I managed to move past thoughts of her, that scent ensured they circled right back around.

A blonde woman who looks to be about fifty comes over to us, her eyes blazing with excitement. “Oh my gosh, Adeline! I’m so glad you and Jameson could make it tonight! I’m Sarah, Lionel’s wife.”

Adeline flashes her a smile. “It’s so lovely to meet you, Sarah. Thank you for inviting us.” She leans into me, snaking one arm around my waist while bringing her other hand to my stomach. Settling it lower than I’d prefer, she continues, “Jameson was just saying how much he loves your art. You’ll have to take him on a tour later and share with him how you came across each piece.”


Adeline knows I have little patience for shit like this. I can appreciate art, but I’m not interested in knowing anything about it. We had an argument about this topic weeks ago. She has a deep interest in art and couldn’t believe I have zero interest. She didn’t hesitate to tell me what she thinks of my unrefined ways. I didn’t hesitate to tell her what I think of her snobbery.

Sarah beams at me. “Oh, I would love that, Jameson. We’ll find some time after dinner for me to do that. It’s not often I find friends of Lionel’s who want to know about my art.”

I return her smile. “Thank you. I look forward to it.”

Adeline gazes up at me like she loves everything about me before looking back at Lionel’s wife. “I need to use your powder room, Sarah. Would you mind telling me where it is?”

Sarah gives Adeline instructions before leaving us to welcome another couple.

Adeline keeps her hand on my stomach as she looks up at me again. “I won’t be long, darling,” she purrs. “Be a good husband and get me a drink while I’m gone.”

“You can cut the bullshit,” I mutter. “No one can hear you.”

Her hand drifts lower. “No, but I know you’re very concerned about people watching us, so I’m just playing the part you want me to.”

I place my hand over hers, gripping it. “Enough.” It’s a growl that falls between us in a way that anyone other than Adeline would pay attention to. She, however, never pays attention in the way I’d like.

“How long are you intending for us to stay tonight?”

“However long it takes me to do what I need to do.”

“Well, that’s enlightening and super useful information.” She drops her hand. “Perhaps you could get to work while I’m gone so we don’t have to stay hours after dinner.”

She walks away from me in the direction Sarah gave her, and I take the steadying breath I need.

It’s going to be a long fucking night.

* * *

“How romantic,”Sarah says as we finish dessert. “I wish I had a story like that for how Lionel proposed to me, but I don’t.” She looks at her husband. “He doesn’t have a romantic bone in his body.”