Page 24 of Jameson Fox

This morning has been far too much already; I need at least a year to recover from it all.

* * *

“Right,”Lara says, a few hours after Jameson drops me at work. “I’ve got posts going out on all our accounts and have altered our monthly campaigns to help shift attention from where we don’t want it. I don’t expect this to go away fast, but I think with some work, we can bury it.” She glances down at her phone for a moment before meeting my gaze again. “Simon asked me to send him everything that pops up, so I’ll keep on top of that too.” She pauses. “Now, about this photo shoot. I know you said Jameson is super busy and that he’s not keen on doing it, but we need him to, Addy. Surely he can find time for you?”

Rule number one if you’re going to fake marry a man should be: only marry him if you like him and he likes you. Everything is too hard if you hate each other.

I nod. “I know we need him to. I’ll work on him. Also, please keep an eye on Ian Swift and anything he has to say about me sleeping with Brax.”

“I’m all over it.” Lara knows the last thing we need are lies about me cheating on Jameson. What she doesn’t know is it’s the last thing Jameson and I need. I’m determined to stop anything that threatens my chance at getting my company back.

“Adeline,” Vanessa says, popping her head into my office, “Jenna just confirmed that she can move your meeting to tomorrow morning.”

“Great. Thanks, Ness.”

She pops back out as Lara says, “Let me know ASAP about the photo shoot. We’ll do it at your place. People are dying to see inside Jameson’s penthouse.”

God, I’m aware of this. I’m also aware the interest in his penthouse and his life don’t impress him. He’s one of the most private people I know; he’s made it more than clear the last thing he wants is the world knowing his private business. He goes along with me snapping photos of us outside of his home, but I know he’s not keen on photos taken inside it.

I sigh.

“I’ll message you as soon as he gives it the green light.”

“Good. Okay, I’ll leave you to it unless there’s anything else you want to go over?”

“No, I think we’ve covered everything,” I say as my phone rings.

It’s Jameson’s mother.

She called me yesterday to see how I was after my wedding day and to make sure I wasn’t too disappointed about the honeymoon cancellation. I did as I promised Jameson; I faked disappointment.

Reese Fox is a beautiful woman, inside and out. How she managed to raise an asshole like Jameson is something I haven’t worked out yet. I’ve chosen not to let it interfere with my relationship with her. I figure she did a good job with her other son, so Jameson’s character can’t be attributed to her mothering.

“Reese,” I greet her with a smile. I do enjoy conversations with her even though I have to pretend to be in love with her son. “How are you?”

Her smile is apparent in her voice. At least the twelve months ahead will hold some sunshine; we get on well. “Hello my darling, I’m good. You?”

“Well, I’m not sure if you’ve seen anything about it yet, but some lies have been published about my mother this morning. It wasn’t a good way to start the day, but things are looking up. I’m well, apart from that.”

“Oh, I’m glad to hear it. That was why I was calling. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Thank you, I appreciate the call.” I really do. Her son blew off my concerns, so it’s nice to know she understands this is upsetting.

“Do you have an update on when your honeymoon will take place? That would surely cheer you up.”

Oh, if only she knew just how much that would not cheer me up.

“No, we haven’t made any plans yet. We’ve both got a lot going on with work now. It may be a while until we can get away, but honestly, we’re both okay with this.”

“It’s not right, Adeline. Jameson should not have put his work before your marriage. I’ll have another word with him.”

I want to tell her to absolutely have another word with him. I’d love to see him make it through that conversation. But I don’t. I continue faking my love for him instead. “You really don’t need to, Reese. I know he’s upset about this already, and that he’d go away in a heartbeat if he could. And quite honestly, I can’t really get away now either. I think it’s best if we just leave it how it is.”

I practically hear her lips pressing together in her tone when she says, “Well, if you think so, darling, but you let me know if you want me to say something. Sometimes men need to hear it from their mother.”

Another call is coming through and when I check to see who it is, I say, “Actually, Jameson is calling me now. I’d better take his call. Thank you for checking in on me.”

“I hope your day continues improving. Tell Jameson to call me when he gets a chance. I need a quick conversation with him about tomorrow night.”